Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who arrived Saturday in Tokyo, spoke to prominent Japanese businessmen asking them to engage more with India. Modi, who is in Japan to attend the 13th annual India-Japan summit, said the information provided at the Business Leaders Forum would prompt India to conduct a global benchmarking exercise. "He urged Japanese businessmen to engage more with India," tweeted Raveesh Kumar, spokesman for the Department of External Affairs.
Modi asserted that the contributions proposed at the forum would help India to achieve a global benchmarking while asking Japanese businessmen to engage more with India.
Official spokesman for the Ministry of External Affairs, Raveesh Kumar, tweeted: "Increasing confidence in India. PM @narendramodi has exchanged views with leading Indian and Japanese business leaders at the CEO Forum. The Prime Minister said the proposed contributions to the Forum would prompt India to conduct a global comparative analysis and urged Japanese businessmen to engage more with India. "
Before the start of the Forum, the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), Hiroshige Seko, appealed to Modi. The two leaders met and discussed ways to strengthen Indo-Japanese economic engagement. METI plays an important role in strengthening the India-Japan Economic Partnership.
Addressing business leaders at the "Create India, Digital Partnership and India-Japan Partnership in Africa" business symposium, Modi said the reforms being undertaken by the Indian government "are yielding results" .
"When I assumed the responsibility of the government in 2014, India was ranked 140th in the World Bank's" Ease of Doing Business "rankings." Today, India has reached the 100th position and we are working on a better ranking, "he said.
The prime minister also pointed out that the Indian government had begun to classify its 36 states and territories of the Union "with the aim of further promoting the ease of doing business" in the country.
Modi began his two-day trip to Japan – his 12th visit to the state since 2014 – on Saturday, when he arrived in Tokyo to attend the 13th Annual India-Japan Summit. He had talks with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, as well as with venture capitalists and ministers of the country. The Prime Minister also addressed Monday to the Indian diaspora.
At the Business Leaders Conference, Modi urged companies to "accelerate the pace of investment in India." "I've always talked about a strong India and a strong Japan." I express my gratitude to the particular belief of the Japanese entrepreneurial class on this occasion, "he said. declared.
"A few years ago, I talked about creating a mini-Japan in India.This is a great source of happiness for me that today, you are working in a number yet." more important in India. "
Later on Monday, Modi is scheduled to hold delegation level interviews at the offices of his Japanese counterpart. The two premiers should conduct in-depth discussions on strengthening collaboration in key areas between India and Japan, such as defense, security, Indo-Pacific cooperation and technology, and review progress made in Indo-Japanese relations.
Modi also met with Japan's Foreign Minister Taro Kono, and the two leaders discussed bilateral, regional and global issues. Describing the discussion as "productive," Kumar tweeted, "Strengthen the strategic direction of our relationships. Japan's Foreign Minister Taro Kono has called Prime Minister @narendramodi. Productive holding and concentration of debate on bilateral, regional and global issues. "
General Secretary of the Liberal Democratic Party Toshihiro Nikai also invited the Prime Minister before the Forum. Modi appreciated Nikai's vision and experience in strengthening the India-Japan bilateral relationship over the years. Prime Minister Modi will also speak at the "Make in India: India-Japan Partnership in Africa and Digital Partnership" seminar to be held later today.
Modi, who arrived in Japan last week, is making a two-day official visit to Japan to attend the 13th Annual India-Japan Summit. After the banquet organized by Abe at 7:45 pm, Modi will return to New Delhi.
With agency contributions
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