NASA and Nautilus roam the Pacific bottom in search of a rare two-meteorite


Equipped with high-sea robots, the Nautilus plans to sweep the bottom of the ocean tomorrow to search for fragments of meteorites scattered near the Washington coast

On March 7, a rare meteorite and large size crushes on the Earth. Pacific Ocean, about 25 kilometers from the coast of the state of Washington

The brilliant meteorite, also called racing car, was seen falling somewhere in the National Marine Sanctuary of the Olympic Coast of the Administration national oceanic and atmospheric. (NOAA), not far from Grays Harbor County Coast

According to Dr. Marc Fries, who is a conservative of cosmic dust at NASA, the meteorite was about the size of a golf cart and it's broken into several fragments, "

" This is the biggest meteoric drop recorded in the United States in 21 years, "said Fries in a statement.

Some of these fragments are perhaps as big as a k, Fries is eager to recover as much as possible, in order to add them to the research collection at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, DC, reports Digital Trends .

After analyzing the radar data recorded by the NOAA NEXRAD system, as well as the seismometers installed on the ground and at the bottom of the ocean, were able to reduce the impact zone to about one square kilometer. (or around 0.4 square miles).

According to Per Fries estimates, the team can fall on two to three fragments for every 10 square meters (107 square feet) of the seabed where most of the meteorite fell into the ocean, notes the Nautilus Live blog

The real ROV mission will take place tomorrow, July 2, and is scheduled to last approximately seven hours, from 9 am to 4 pm PT (12 pm to 7 pm EDT). Anyone who is curious to follow the meteorite search live can watch the action on

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