NASA and the Russian Space Agency have queued up on the air leak of the space station


At the end of August, the air began to bleed from a Soyuz spacecraft moored to the International Space Station (ISS). The astronauts quickly isolated and connected the small leak, but the rumors surrounding his cause were harder to contain.

Micrometeorites, manufacturing defects and even sabotage of astronauts have all been presented as potential and controversial reasons for flight. As investigations continue, NASA and the Russian space agency Roscosmos are silent.

In a joint statement released on Thursday, space agency officials Jim Bridenstine and Dimitry Rogozin said they had agreed to "[defer] all preliminary findings and provide explanations "until the investigations conducted by Roscosmos are completed. The agencies said they would work together to help solve the mystery.

The European Space Agency also intends to contribute to the investigation. "All other partners of the International Space Station, including ESA, fully support the ongoing efforts of the Roscosmos commission," said a statement from the agency sent to: Newsweek.

Rogozin had previously said the leak may have been caused by a micro-meteorite impact. But later, he suggested that the hole was caused by drilling, reported Ars Technica. An engineer, it seems, had noticed a hole in the Soyuz and clogged it with glue. "We can see the mark where the drill has slipped along the surface of the hull," Rogozin told RIA Novosti, a Russian news agency. "We want to know the full name of who is at fault – and we will do it."

As points out, Rogozin also stated that the investigators would determine whether the hole had been drilled "on Earth or in space". One theory suggests that a crew member started the escape to try to evacuate a sick astronaut, Ars Technica reported on Tuesday.

Rumors that an astronaut might be to blame have caused the wrath of Drew Feustel, commander of Expedition 56, who is aboard the ISS. "I can say unequivocally that the crew did nothing with that," he told ABC News. "I think it's really shameful and somewhat embarrassing that anyone wastes time talking about something in which the crew was involved."

9_13_ISS The shadow, the shadow of the moon, flying over the United States from space is visible from the International Space Station on August 21, 2017 on this image of social media. International Space Station / document via REUTERS

Although the leak was minimal this time, "the implications are huge for the entire space program," he added.

In other space news, astronomers have recently discovered dozens of mysterious spatial signals called fast radio bursts. Nobody knows exactly what causes this kind of beeping, but some scientists think that neutron stars near black holes or nebulae might be to blame.

NASA did not immediately respond to NewsweekRequest for comment.

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