NASA astronaut Nick Hague describes how a capsule was ripped from the bankrupt Soyuz rocket – DoonWire


After returning to the United States after the failed launch of a Soyuz-FG rocket last week, NASA astronaut Nick Hague reported details of the incident to the Associated Press in an interview. The astronaut described what really happened after the failure of the Soyuz rocket that forced the capsule to fly at a speed of up to 4,000 miles at the time.

On October 11, 2018, NASA's astronaut The Hague and Russian cosmonaut Alexei Ovchinin were launched from the Baikonur Spaceport in southern Kazakhstan aboard a Soyuz rocket on mission to the Space Station international. Everything seemed normal after takeoff, but about two minutes into the flight, things started to go very badly. According to the Russian Space Agency, when the Soyuz rocket was about 50 km above the surface of the Earth, one of the four rocket booster relays failed to cast off the spotlight, creating a problem with the separation of the first and second stage booster seats. rockets. The problem damaged the main scene and forced the capsule to perform a "ballistic reentry" into the Earth's atmosphere.

"Just around the first stage separation, everything went wrong," Hague said.

"We were a little shaken in the capsule and moved away from the rocket as soon as the launch abandonment system recognized that there was a problem with the recall."

Hague, 43, who is now in Houston, said he knew he had to stay calm in this situation. The failure triggered the emergency landing and the capsule was "ripped off" from the Soyuz rocket.
"We had an alarm inside the capsule and we had an emergency light on which said we had a problem with the booster," said the US Air Colonel Strength.

Hague, who was on his first space trip, said they quickly realized they were not going to orbit that day. It was not surprising, as it was the first time that such a failure had occurred for 35 years.

"I just remembered it was this very poignant realization that" Wow, we just had a booster failure! "Said Hague.

The astronaut revealed that during the astronaut training program, they learned how to deal with such situations. The Hague has also undergone training in Star City, Russia, as part of a descent module over the past two years.

During ballistic re-entry, the spacecraft is slowed down by atmospheric drag, exposing the crew members to G forces up to 10 times higher than those of the Earth. During the descent of the capsule, the astronauts endured six G. The capsule landed unhindered in the steppes of Kazakhstan about 30 minutes after the fall of the rocket.

The Hague revealed that the capsule had not experienced extreme temperatures during the descent.
"We were going slowly enough, our energy was pretty low, it was really just the aerodynamic drag that slowed us down."

However, he experienced pressure changes during the descent of the capsule.

After landing safely in a plain of Kazakhstan, they immediately called Mission Control, followed by their wife.

Russian cosmonaut Ovchinin told reporters that he had never seen a hint of fear in the eyes of The Hague. According to Ovchinin, Hague responded "immediately to all the questions on Earth … it was obvious that he was totally controlling the [emergency] situation."

"My partner Nick acted like a real expert and was completely cool."

The Hague says that he is eager to go into space now.

"Personally, I feel like it's an extra event that will allow me to train and make me a more effective team member in the future. Alexei and I, as the crew, we have experienced this together and this will only strengthen our crew in the future. "

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