NASA astronaut talks about his space adventure


CHARLOTTESVILLE, Virginia. (CBS19 NEWS) – A man realized his dream of flying in space when he became an astronaut of NASA and visited the International Space Station for 168 days.

US Captain Scott Tingle told people at the University of Virginia Medical School Monday afternoon that he was a flight engineer during an expedition from December 2017 to June 2018 .

He said that his trip to space was something he had always dreamed of.

"Imagine growing up every day wanting to fly and saying to everyone," I just want to fly, "said Tingle," and everyone says, "no foolish humans can fly, only birds can fly." And then you wake up when you're 53 and you're flying. "

Tingle was selected by NASA in 2009 as one of the nine members of NASA's 20th class of astronauts.

He trained for several years until it was launched into space on December 17, 2017 and remains at the International Space Station for nearly six months.

Tingle has spent his time in space conducting hundreds of experiments, some aimed at advancing medical trials.

"One of them was metabolic monitoring, which includes a new way of using bioluminescent cells to see the effectiveness of new drugs," he said. "If it works, then we can limit the lengthy two to three year operational tests on people to just two, three or four weeks, which is a lot less."

During his stay in the space, Tingle also experimented with plants and materials.

However, he also mentioned that his team had difficulty living in low Earth orbit.

"When we are going to work on something, it can be hard to type on a computer because we are all approaching the computer and we are typing in. If you do this in the space, every time you press on the sidelines, you go up, "he said. .

Despite the challenges, Tingle said his message to the community was that everyone can fly.

"It's part of our evolution, we're gaining space and the work we're doing on the low Earth orbit and beyond is very promising," Tingle said.

Tingle also said his motto was to work hard, have fun and dream big.

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