NASA astronauts test SpaceX suits in the crew dragon


NASA astronauts test their SpaceX spacesuit in the Crew Dragon.

Screenshot of Amanda Kooser / CNET video screen

The space is about to become much more fashionable.

NASA astronauts Bob Behnken and Doug Hurley dressed in SpaceX's sleek space suit and tested them inside the Crew Dragon spacecraft built by the Elon Musk company. The Twitter account of NASA's commercial crew has released a video of current events.

The images show Behnken and Hurley with their visors up and down, discussing and exploring the screens and controls in front of them. Musk and SpaceX have retweeted the clip.

The commercial crew program of NASA works with both SpaceX and Boeing carry astronauts into orbit, at the International Space Station and maybe at the moon and Mars someday.

Before the spacecraft can take off with humans on board, the crew must pass field tests. This involves putting the astronauts at ease to work inside the capsules.

In October, NASA announced its target: a crew flight scheduled for June 2019, which would launch the Crew Dragon with Behnken and Hurley on a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket.

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