NASA can expect even more costs and longer delays for its next big rocket


Once again, NASA can expect even more delays and budget increases for its Space Launch System (SLS) – the giant rocket that the space agency is building to bring humans on the Moon and Mars.

Today, the NASA Inspector General, who conducts periodic audits of the space agency's programs, has issued a scathing report on the current state of development of the space launch system – and the situation looks bleak. The rocket, which has already suffered many cost overruns and budget delays, is expected to cost billions of dollars more than expected. The vehicle will probably not be ready to fly by June 2020, the first launch date of the rocket.

The report attributes a lot of problems to Boeing, the main contractor of the SLS. Boeing is struggling to develop the main SLS phase – the main body of the rocket that contains the primary engines and most of the propeller. The first basic step, supposed to be used during the inaugural SLS test flight, was to be delivered in June 2017. It is now expected to be ready by December 2019 and it is likely that it will be ready. it will be even later. The Inspector General says these delays can be blamed on Boeing's "poor performance". The company has consistently given poor estimates of the amount of work needed for the main phase, as well as the number of people needed to complete it, the report says.

As these delays accumulate, NASA can expect to spend a lot more money to carry out SLS development. According to current estimates, the space agency is expected to spend $ 8.9 billion by 2021 so that Boeing can complete the first milestone and work on additional steps for future flights; c & # 39; two times the amount expected by NASA. This number is in addition to all other contracts entered into by NASA to finalize the SLS. For example, the main engines of the rocket, which were also used to propel the Space Shuttle, are built by Aerojet Rocketdyne. And this contract has cost more than $ 2 billion so far.

Delays and excessive costs have been a common problem for the SLS program. The rocket was originally scheduled to make its first launch last year, but its launch has been continually pushed back by the budget increase. NASA has now spent nearly $ 12 billion on SLS development, in progress since 2010. That number is expected to grow. Since November 2017, NASA is targeting the first test flight of SLS for 2019, but this date has been postponed to 2020. And the report of the Inspector General doubts that the new date will be valid.

The first major piece of the first basic stage for the SLS assembled in Michoud
Image: NASA

Boeing attributed many delays to a lack of funding, but NASA officials told the Inspector General that the money was not to blame. Boeing's bad estimates have contributed to many of these problems, according to the report. Not only did Boeing not understand the extent of its tasks, but the subcontractor did not provide NASA with good estimates of the budget and deadlines. Boeing also struggled to improve its efficiency: only about half of Boeing's planned tasks are completed in time. The contamination of the piping equipment and the misalignment of a large robotic welding tool also slowed development, and then there was a bit of bad luck. A tornado damaged NASA's Michoud assembly facilities in New Orleans, where SLS parts are under construction, delaying production for two months.

The report also calls NASA for mismanagement. NASA does not require Boeing to provide detailed information on the cost of developing the SLS milestones, which makes it difficult for NASA to track Boeing expenses. As a result, the space agency does not really know if the company is achieving its goals. In addition, NASA has awarded Boeing numerous award fees, bonuses that companies can earn in addition to their initial contracts when they do outstanding work. The report says these charges are odd given Boeing's poor performance. For example, Boeing spent $ 600 million more than planned between 2014 and 2018 and is two years behind schedule – but NASA has awarded the company an additional $ 323 million in compensation costs.

The Inspector General has made seven recommendations to NASA on how to go ahead and solve these problems. In particular, Boeing needs to come up with more precise deadlines and renegotiate the current contract so that NASA knows exactly how much this rocket will cost. Otherwise, the contract stipulates that the way the contract is designed is not viable.

In the meantime, this report provides plenty of ammunition to those who criticize the SLS program, arguing that it costs too much money and that NASA could use other, less expensive, comparable rockets. NASA countered these arguments by claiming that the SLS will be the world's most powerful rocket when it is complete, capable of putting nearly 290,000 pounds into low Earth orbit.

The only problem is that the real strength of the SLS may not be realized for some time, as NASA is currently building two versions of the vehicle – Block 1 and Block 1B. Block 1B, the most powerful version, will not be ready to fly until 2024 at the earliest, which is likely to change given all these delays. Meanwhile, Block 1 can only place a little over 200,000 pounds in orbit. This is little more than the capacity of current vehicles such as the Falcon Heavy, which can put about 140,000 pounds in the same orbit. And the launch of the Falcon Heavy costs between $ 90 and $ 150 million, a low cost compared to the development of SLS.

Perhaps the biggest thing that keeps SLS alive at this stage is its strong support for Congress. Most of SLS's development takes place in Alabama, and the state's representative, Senator Richard Shelby (R-AL), was the main proponent of the rocket. Shelby ensures that the vehicle receives adequate funding every year and it seems likely that he will continue to fight for the program. In addition, many SLS-related jobs are spread across the United States, providing the vehicle with additional congressional support.

However, this report is not good news for SLS supporters. NASA will have to make big changes in the course of the program, otherwise this rocket may remain on the ground.

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