NASA captures rare electric blue clouds in video


NASA launched this summer a balloon that captured something that scientists have called "fascinating".

"At the dawn of our atmosphere, we are living a thin group of seasonal blue electric clouds," NASA wrote in a report published on September 20.

50 miles above the poles, these "noctilucent" or "mesophilic polar" clouds meet on the tiny remnants of meteorites in the upper atmosphere to create "glowing blue-and-yellow clouds visible summer NASA said.

The analysis of these clouds could help scientists "better understand the turbulence in the atmosphere, as well as in oceans, lakes and other planetary atmospheres, and could even improve weather forecasts," he said. said NASA.

"From what we have seen so far, we expect to have a truly spectacular set of data from this mission," said Dave Fritts, principal investigator of the Global Atmospheric Technologies and Sciences mission in Boulder, Colorado. capture really interesting events and we hope this will provide new insights into these complex dynamics.

Clouds captured by NASA on the camera are affected by "atmospheric gravity waves" caused by air masses moving through the atmosphere, according to NASA.

And these images are the first time that NASA scientists have seen this flow of energy in the upper atmosphere.

"At these altitudes, you can literally see the gravity waves breaking – like the waves of the ocean on the beach – and cascading over turbulence, "said Fritts in the report.

The study of turbulence experienced by clouds "will even help improve weather forecasting models," according to NASA.

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