NASA has announced an interesting competition with millions of awards


NASA объявило интересный конкурс с миллионной наградой

Expert agency looking for a method to produce sugar from the air.

Many experts believe that before the first manned expeditions to Mars, humanity has remained a matter of decades. However, explorers of the red planet will have a hard time removing everything needed from the Earth, especially if on Mars they plan to spend a lot of time. The US NASA space agency has announced an unusual contest, due to which this problem will be partially solved, according to in reference to the informant.

The idea of ​​the CO2 conversion contest is to use carbon dioxide in the Martian atmosphere to produce different sugars, including glucose. These chemical compounds are composed of carbon, oxygen and hydrogen, that is to say that all the components necessary for their production on Mars are in abundance and that the only problem is to create them directly on Mars.

In fact, in nature, the formation of glucose from carbon dioxide and water is not out of the usual process – it results from photosynthesis. However, NASA expects that they will be proposed more efficiently and feasibly under the conditions of Martian technology.

The contest organizers say that during its first phase, five most promising projects will be realized. The teams qualifying the first stage will be announced in April 2019, and each of them will receive $ 50,000. The second phase will be devoted to putting the previously selected technology into practice, and the winner will be $ 750,000. Thus, the total price of the Fund naschityvaet one million dollars, according to the NASA website.

Experts suggest that if their project succeeds, the technology can be very useful not only on Mars but also on Earth.

Scientists today, there is no consensus on when the first man set foot on Mars. Last year, Deputy Director of the US Space Agency Thomas Zurbuchen suggested that this would be possible in the next twenty years, but many experts believe that it will take much longer.

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