NASA has shown incredibly beautiful night views of the Earth since the ISS


The astronauts captured the beauty of the planets and published an image on social networks.

В NASA показали удивительно красивый вид на ночную Землю с борта МКС

On his official Instagram page, NASA published a photo that, from the ISS, showed an astonishing nocturnal beauty of the Earth. In their opinion, the photos of space never get old and will arouse a growing admiration for the people of the planet because they can see the ground through the eyes of these six people literally living in space at the space station international. These people do very important research on outer space and the processes that take place there. They strive to ensure that people in the future can win these infinite spaces at least in part and explore the next celestial body, and then undertake a long journey in space.

В NASA показали удивительно красивый вид на ночную Землю с борта МКС

Earlier this summer, one of the astronauts managed to capture the planet this night and signed it: "Even the darkness of the night can not conquer the rich colors of the desert bordering the Persian Gulf." perform important tasks and carry out important research not only at the national level, but also at the international level. Such cooperation is partly a Union of States with a common objective and brings a certain degree of peace, the achievement of the results of space exploration and a progress more progressive than that of each of the States would have done it itself .

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