NASA is preparing to fire the Parker Solar Probe spacecraft in the sun


NASA is preparing to launch a spaceship in the sun.

The Parker Solar Probe is getting closer to the star more than any previous mission, enduring a scorching heat to try to understand the mysteries of the Sun. It will become the first mission to "touch" the Sun.

It will be launched during its unprecedented mission on August 4, announced NASA. This happens after a number of delays to make sure the gear is ready

The spacecraft will launch on a United Launch Alliance Delta IV rocket, from Space Launch Complex 37 at the Cape Canaveral Air Station in Florida , Nasa said.

The small craft – the size of a car – will come to only 3.8 million miles from the Sun's surface. Temperatures will reach nearly 1400 degrees Celsius and the probe will be protected by a 11.43 cm carbon composite shield

Meanwhile, the craft will "trace how energy and heat flow through The Sun's atmosphere and explore what accelerates the solar wind and solar energy particles, "NASA said.These processes have vast effects on Earth, but remain largely mysterious.

Scientists have looked for answers that the Solar Solar Probe should give for 60 years, and the origins of the mission began in the 1990s. But it has now been made possible by the breakthroughs in thermal engineering that will allow the small probe to survive despite the flamboyant heat that she will suffer when she flies near the Sun.

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