NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory wins Emmy for Cassini Grand Final – BGR


When NASA's Cassini spacecraft plunged into the atmosphere of Saturn about a year ago, it was a historic moment for astronomy and a bitter-sweet moment for anyone who had followed the mission from the beginning.

NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory played a pivotal role in the cover of Cassini's grand epic finale, which saw the Probe perform more than 20 daring dives across the rings of Saturn before finally crashing onto Saturn. Now, in a blink of an eye to the group of scientists and specialists who have made the grand finale so fun to follow, the entire team has received a Creative Arts Emmy Award.

JPL closely followed Cassini's various close passes to prepare to end his mission. The group has provided countless updates in blog posts, but also presented the data with real-time tracking tools and interactive presentations that anyone with an Internet connection could enjoy. It was very fun to watch and certainly worthy of recognition.

"This award represents the special magic that comes when we combine the impressive imagery and powerful science of a mission like Cassini with the extraordinary talents of an innovative communications and media team," said Michael Green in a statement. "By honoring our interactive program on the Cassini Grand Final, the Television Academy has honored the great cause of space exploration and I am extremely proud of our public engagement and media relations teams. wonders of our universe.

In the end, Cassini's final adjustment led to a collision with Saturn's atmosphere. He continued to return data until the boat was essentially vaporized by friction. The aging, fuel-laden and completely exhausted spacecraft has been eliminated, but the returned data will continue to live forever.

Image Source: NASA

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