NASA news: The US space agency releases images confirming that the Earth is not flat | Science | New


The US Space Agency has released a stunning video taken by an onboard camera aboard the DSCOVR satellite (Deep Space Climate Observatory). The space shuttle observes the Earth from a million kilometers to the Sun and belongs to the NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration). NOAA is an American scientific agency that focuses its attention on the situation of the oceans and the atmosphere.

This immense distance allowed the camera, named EPIC, to observe the whole Earth from sunrise to sunset.

EPIC captured an average image every hour in the summer and one image every two hours in the winter.

Such an in-depth study will help track volcanic eruptions and other natural phenomena.

Alexander Marshak, Deputy Project Manager of the Mission, said: "Given the privileged position of the EPIC and its frequent observations, we are able to observe the part of the daily cycle of many phenomena .

"For example, EPIC can follow a volcanic eruption or a plume of fire all day long.

"These measurements complement those taken by other low-Earth-orbit satellites, which observe a given position less often, often once or twice a day."

NASA uses these images to also monitor the height and thickness of clouds, important factors for climate studies and weather analyzes.

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But this should also provide enough evidence that our planet is unquestionably.

However, the belief that the Earth is flat has gained new strength and traction in recent years.

Although it is difficult to accurately determine the number of people who think that the Earth is flat, there are annual conventions around the world, including in the UK, on ​​the issue, each gathering hundreds of people.

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