NASA observes climate cooling trend due to low sunlight


Climate alarmists simply can not take a break. NASA reports that the sun is entering one of the deepest solar minima of the space age; and the atmosphere of the Earth reacts in the same way.

So, start pumping this CO2, everyone. We will need all the greenhouse gases we can get.

"We are seeing a cooling trend," said Martin Mlynczak of NASA's Langley Research Center. "Above the surface of the Earth, near space, our atmosphere loses heat energy. If current trends continue, it could soon set an age-record of space for the cold. "

The new data comes from NASA's Sounding of the Atmosphere instrument, which uses the SABER instrument or broadband radiometry embedded on the Thermosphere Ionosphere Energy and Dynamics (TIMED) satellite. SABER monitors the infrared radiation of carbon dioxide (CO2) and nitric oxide (NO), two substances that play a vital role in the energy production of our thermosphere, the highest level of our atmosphere.

"The thermosphere always cools during the solar minimum. This is one of the most important causes of the solar cycle on our planet, "said Mlynczak, Senior Research Associate of SABER.

Who knew that this big ball of yellow light in the sky had such a great influence on our climate?

There is good news in all this. As the thermosphere cools down, it literally shrinks, reducing aerodynamic drag on satellites in low Earth orbit. Indeed, the thermosphere that contracts increases the life of a satellite.

But that's where the good news seems to end, unless you prefer the cold and the increased volume of space. "The bad news," said Dr. Tony Phillips, editor-in-chief of, is: "It also delays the natural decomposition of waste from space, creating a more cluttered environment around Earth."

Mlynczak and his colleagues created the Thermosphere Climate Index (TCI), which measures the amount of NO released by the thermosphere into space. During Solar Maximum, the number of TCIs is very high. In the solar minimum period, the TCI is low.

"At the moment, (TCI) is really very weak," said Mlynczak. "SABER currently measures 33 billion watts of infrared power from NO. It's ten times smaller than what we see in more active phases of the solar cycle. "

SABER has been in orbit for only 17 years, but Mlynczak and scientists at NASA's Langley Research Center have been able to recreate the TCI measurements dating back to the 1940s. "SABER taught us how to do this by showing how TCI depends on other variables such as geomagnetic activity and UV output from the sun – things measured for decades, "said Mlynczak.

In fact, TCI's numbers in the last months of 2018 are very close to the record low since the measurements began. "We are not there yet," reports Mlynczak. "But it could happen in a few months."

NASA's new findings are in line with studies published by UC-San Diego and Northumbria University in Britain last year, both of which predict a minimum solar minimum in the coming decades due to the low activity of sunspots. Both studies predicted solar activity similar to the Maunder Minimum from the mid-17th century to the early 18th century, which coincided with an era known as the Little Ice Age, during which temperatures were well below those of # 39; aujourd & # 39; hui.

If all this gives the impression that NASA is contradicting itself, it's true. After all, NASA also announced last week that the Arctic sea ice was at its sixth-lowest level since measurements began. Is not this a sure sign of global warming?

All that "proves" is that we have at best a superficial understanding of the incredibly complex climate system of the Earth. So when Al Gore, a consumer media and carbon credit salesman, tells us at any time that we need to do something to fight climate change, it's normal to take a step back, take a deep breath and realize that we do not have the necessary knowledge, skills or resources. have a lot of effect on the climate of the Earth. God – and that big ball of yellow light in the sky – has a much greater impact on our climate than we ever could.


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