NASA publishes more photos of a rectangular iceberg freak


This panorama of the tabular iceberg as a whole was edited from two images taken at the tip of the iceberg on October 16, 2018. Although it is not perfectly rectangular, it remains very geometric.
Image: NASA / Jeremy Harbeck

New photos of a surprisingly rectangular iceberg provide a complete picture of this now famous Antarctic structure, which remains as strange as possible.

NASA's IceBridge scientists released the original photo last week, but it only showed part of the iceberg.

The original photo of the geometric iceberg, which sparked a tremendous global reaction.
Image: NASA / Jeremy Harbeck

With much of the "berg out of the frame", it was unclear how geometric the structure was. New photos released by IceBridge scientists reveal the true shape of the iceberg. It's not a perfect rectangle, but it's still a very angular quadrilateral.

An angled view of the geometric iceberg.
Image: NASA / Operation IceBridge

Jeremy Harbeck, Senior IceBridge Project Scientist, took these photos and spotted the tabular iceberg near the Larsen C ice floe. Tabular icebergs are the product of ice floes that slide – when large chunks of ice suddenly come off – and they are known for their very angular lines and their smooth top.

A Landsat 8 view of the oddly geometric iceberg from space (see the center arrow on the left). The photo was taken on October 14, 2018, just two days before Operation IceBridge took its now famous iceberg photo.
Image: NASA / Christopher Shuman

"I thought it was very interesting," Harbeck said in a statement from NASA. "I often see icebergs with relatively straight edges, but I have not really seen one before, with two angles as straight as this one."

In July 2017, the Antarctic ice sheet Larsen C released the huge A68 iceberg, which weighs about 1 trillion tons and occupies an area about the size of the state of Delaware. Harbeck and his colleagues were studying this massive structure when the geometric shape was spotted.

"I was actually more interested in catching the A68 iceberg than we were flying over, but I thought this rectangular iceberg was visually interesting and quite photogenic, so on a lark, I just took some pictures "said Harbeck.

Another rectangular iceberg spotted by the IceBridge team. To the far left is the iceberg of geometric origin, with the huge A68 iceberg in the background.
Image: NASA / Jeremy Harbeck

Interestingly, Harbeck spotted a second rectangular iceberg on the same flyby on October 16, 2018. In the photo above, you can see three remarkable icebergs: the now-famous iceberg with bizarre geometry on the far left (slightly masked by the engines of the aircraft), the new tabular iceberg and, on the horizon, the iceberg A68. Yes it is this huge – the expanse along the horizon line is a free floating iceberg, measuring about 100 kilometers long and about 30 kilometers wide.

Here are other tabular iceberg pictures, many of which were produced by the Larsen C ice pack at the time of the A68 calving.

Tabular icebergs observed near the A68 iceberg. These objects are remnants of the calving event that produced A68.
Image: NASA / Jefferson Beck
Tabular icebergs, with the huge A68 iceberg in the background.
Image: NASA / Jefferson Beck

NASA's IceBridge operation is a permanent mission to monitor the polar regions and monitor the global climate system of the planet. It is currently a five-week project to map icebergs in the northern Antarctic Peninsula, with a mission scheduled for completion on 18 November. There is still a lot of time in the project. As a result, scientists will discover other Antarctic anomalies.

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