NASA releases images of Apollo missions never seen before, including the B-roll of the first landing on the moon


  Apollo 11

The Surface of the Moon Project Apollo Archive

One of the greatest moments of human space exploration was the Apollo 11 lunar landings that took place exactly 49 years ago – July 20, 1969. The landing marked a new era of progress in terms of science and technology, the thirst for adventure and the ever-present human will to look into the world. unknown and walk through the door with a sense of wonder and fear.

Some of the most iconic cliches of space and Earth come from Apollo missions that captured, for the first time, a point of view never before seen. With the iconic images taken by astronauts, was also a set of photos that have never been made public. Badly shot, blurred and blurred, the 1960s technology used to capture events was not particularly the best

Here are some images of this kind that NASA has released for the first time. The Apollo B-roll

  Apollo 11

The Moon Impact Crater The Apollo Archive Project


Neil Armstrong Welcoming the American Flag [19659009] Apollo Archive Project [19659013] American Flag Apollo Archive Project

Earth from the Moon Apollo Archive Project

Neil Armstrong Descendant of the LG Apollo Archive Project

] I'm not a photographer, but an astronaut, said Buzz Aldrin once – that's probably why. Despite these images being part of the "B-roll", they are simply spectacular.

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