NASA scientists will debate the landing site for the next Mars rover |


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By NASA // October 17, 2018

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March 2020 will be launched on an Atlas V rocket from the United Launch Alliance (ULA)

ABOVE THE VIDEO: Hundreds of Mars Space Exploration scientists and experts gather in a ballroom north of Los Angeles later this week to present, discuss and debate the future landing site of the next Red Rover NASA Planet – March 2020.

(NASA) – Hundreds of scientists and Mars exploration experts will gather in a ballroom north of Los Angeles later this week to present, discuss and deliberate the future landing site of the next Red Rover NASA Planet – March 2020.

The mission Mars 2020 has the mission not only to look for signs of habitable conditions on Mars in the past, but also to look for signs of past microbial life.

The Mars 2020 landing site is of great interest to the global community because, among the new scientific equipment of the rover for surface exploration, it includes a sampling system that will collect samples of rock and soil and will place them in a "cache" the surface of Mars.

A future mission could potentially return these samples to Earth. The next landing on Mars, after March 2020, could very well be a vehicle for recovering these samples from March 2020.

"The March 2020 landing site could pave the way for Mars exploration for the next decade," said Thomas Zurbuchen, associate director of the Science Mission Directorate at NASA's Washington headquarters. .

"I welcome the lively debate and critical contribution of the scientific and technical community. Regardless of the chosen landing site, it may contain the very first lot of Mars soil touched by humans. "

The workshop begins with keynote address by NASA's Senior Scientist on Mars, Michael Meyer. Once the status of the project, technical constraints and site evaluation criteria are addressed during presentations.

The Mars 2020 landing site is of great interest to the global community because, among the new scientific equipment of the rover for surface exploration, it includes a sampling system that will collect samples of rock and soil and will place them in a "cache" the surface of Mars. (Image of NASA)

Just warning: Expect a lot of technical jargon as terms such as biosignatures, geochemical conditions, impact deformation, biogenetic potential, lithologies of olivine, and serpentinization and its astrobiological potential silences the speakers' language.

"We are participating in these workshops to facilitate the selection of landing sites in 2020 since 2014," said Matt Golombek, co-chair of the Mars Landing Steering Committee of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California. "

"In our first workshop, we started with about 30 candidate landing sites. After additional orbital imaging and a second landing site workshop, we recommended eight sites to go forward for further evaluation. There were so many good places to choose, the reduction process was difficult. This time, with four finalists, it promises to be even more difficult. Each site has its own intriguing scientific potential and knowledgeable advocates. "

The champions of four landing options will take their turn on the podium, presenting and defending their favorite package on the red planet. This is one site more than expected after the completion of the third workshop, in 2017, where three sites on Mars were recommended: the Columbia Hills, the Jezero Crater and the North from Syrtis.

"By the end of the workshop in February 2017, our radar had only three potential landing sites for March 2020," said Ken Farley, scientific lead for the March 2020 JPL project.

"But in the months that followed, a proposal was made for a landing site between Jezero and Northeast Syrtis. Our goal is to reach the right site with the maximum scientific data for March 2020. This new site, dubbed "Midway" – was considered worthy of inclusion in the discussions. "

On the last day, once all presentations are complete, workshop participants will evaluate the positive and negative aspects of each site. The results of these deliberations will be communicated to the March 2020 project, which will incorporate them into a recommendation at NASA headquarters in Washington, DC, where the final selection will be made. The announcement of the landing site of March 2020 should take place by the end of the year.

"I have attended all the workshops so far, and none have been disappointed with regard to smart promotion and lively debate," Farley said. "But it's science: convincing and respectable exchange of ideas. The passion of the participants shows how much they care about the exploration of Mars. They know that they play a key role in the process and that they know how important the landing site will be for March 2020. "

Mars 2020 will be launched on a United Atlas Launch Atlas (ULA) ATV from Space Launch Complex 41 at Cape Canaveral Air Force Base in Florida in July 2020. It is expected to reach Mars in February 2021.

The rover will conduct geological assessments of its landing site on Mars, determine the livability of the environment, look for signs of the life of the ancient Martian and assess natural resources and resources. dangers for future explorers.

Scientists will use the instruments on board the rover to identify and collect rock and soil samples, lock them in sealed tubes and leave them on the surface of the planet for a possible return to Earth for a future mission on Mars.

The JPL Project 2020 in Pasadena, California, is managing the development of rovers for the science mission's leadership at NASA's headquarters in Washington. NASA's launch services program, based at the Florida Space Center's Florida Space Center, is responsible for launch management.

For more information on the workshop, go to:

To learn how to listen to the workshop presentations, go to:

For more information on March 2020, go to:

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