Nasa second alien spot 'smiling face emoji' way out in deep space


Nasa has released images of a cluster of galaxies in a space that looks just like a smiling face emoji.

The Hubble Space Telescope beamed back pictures of a huge formation called SDSS J0952 + 3434, showing structures made up of billions of stars.

Its two eyes are formed from a pair of galaxies, while the smile is caused by a process called gravitational lensing.

The galaxy cluster SDSS J0952 + 3434, which looks like a huge emoji (Picture: Nasa)

Explaining the images, NASA wrote: 'Just below center is a training of galaxies akin to a smiling face.

'Two yellow-hued blobs hang atop a sweeping arc of light.

'The lower, arc-shaped galaxy has the characteristic shape of a galaxy that has been gravitationally lensed – its light has passed to a massive object en route to us, causing it to become distorted and stretched out of shape.'

Hubble used its Wide Field Camera 3 to take the incredible snaps. Galaxies to understand the process of star formation.

'Hubble captured this image in an effort to understand how new stars spring to life throughout the cosmos,' Nasa added.

Stars are born within giant clouds of gas. These massive clouds, or stellar nurseries, grow unstable and begin to collapse under gravity, becoming the seeds that will grow into new stars.

'Analyzing the luminosity, size and training of different stellar nurseries, scientists hope to learn more about the processes that can lead to the formation of a newborn star.

'Studying nurseries within different galaxies will provide information about star training at different points in time and space throughout the universe.

A photograph of the distant emoji snapped in 2015 (Picture: Nasa)

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The emoji is the second Nasa has spotted in the sky in recent years.

Happily, Nasa does not appear to have a face to face emoji yet.

In 2015, it released pictures of a system called SDSS J1038 + 4849 which resembled the latest happy face.

Yesterday, astronomers from Harvard University claimed a cigar-shaped asteroid called 'Oumuamua may have actually been investigated.

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