NASA seizes Earth wrapped in the sky


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Airglow captured by NASA from the International Space Station.NASA

NASA has just released a fascinating picture of the aerial light of the International Space Station (ISS). The airglow event produced an orange hue that surrounded the upper atmosphere of the Earth.

The photo, taken on October 7, 2018 but recently shared by NASA, was captured 250 miles above Australia. Airglow is a faint light emitted from the upper atmosphere due to the way the Earth's atmosphere interacts with the ultraviolet (UV) radiation of the sun.

When ultraviolet rays hit the upper atmosphere, nitrogen and oxygen are fed and release a chemiluminescent stained light. Airglow is often difficult to detect here on Earth due to atmospheric extinction.

However, NASA has perfectly captured the event. Bands of light extend over 50 to 400 miles of the Earth's atmosphere. Airglow is a visual representation of the interaction between the upper limits of the Earth's atmosphere and the space beyond, an area of ​​ongoing research at NASA.

Shades of red and green light up the sky are produced by aerial light.Southern European Observatory (ESO)

Airglow still exists to some extent, but can often be invisible from the Earth and from space. Airglow can present a wide range of colors, including a rainbow of colors.

NASA is due to launch its ICON mission on Thursday, November 8 to study the interaction between the weather on Earth and the space weather. The satellite is designed to study and measure the terrestrial ionosphere, hence the name Ionospheric Connection Explorer. In the first place, NASA will learn more about the interactions between the weather in space and the upper atmosphere of the Earth.

An artistic rendering of the ICON satellite.Conceptual Image Lab / B. From NASA Goddard. Monroe

The initial launch date of ICON was set for December 2017, but it has been delayed several times due to issues related to its Pegasus XL rocket. The mission, lasting two years, will study the thermosphere and the ionosphere, measure winds, temperatures, ion drift, ultraviolet radiation, particle motion, and so on.

The ionosphere may present unpredictable conditions that may interfere with the normal orbit of the International Space Station as well as with other communication satellites and GPS.

The Earth's atmosphere and the ionosphereWikipedia


Airglow captured by NASA from the International Space Station.NASA

NASA has just released a fascinating picture of the aerial light of the International Space Station (ISS). The airglow event produced an orange hue that surrounded the upper atmosphere of the Earth.

The photo, taken on October 7, 2018 but recently shared by NASA, was captured 250 miles above Australia. Airglow is a faint light emitted from the upper atmosphere due to the way the Earth's atmosphere interacts with the ultraviolet (UV) radiation of the sun.

When ultraviolet rays strike the upper atmosphere, nitrogen and oxygen are fed and release a chemiluminescent stained light. Airglow is often difficult to detect here on Earth due to atmospheric extinction.

However, NASA has perfectly captured the event. Bands of light extend over 50 to 400 miles of the Earth's atmosphere. Airglow is a visual representation of the interaction between the upper limits of the Earth's atmosphere and the space beyond, an area of ​​ongoing research at NASA.

Shades of red and green light up the sky are produced by aerial light.Southern European Observatory (ESO)

Airglow still exists to some extent, but can often be invisible from the Earth and from space. Airglow can present a wide range of colors, including a rainbow of colors.

NASA is due to launch its ICON mission on Thursday, November 8 to study the interaction between the weather on Earth and the space weather. The satellite is designed to study and measure the terrestrial ionosphere, hence the name Ionospheric Connection Explorer. In the first place, NASA will learn more about the interactions between the weather in space and the upper atmosphere of the Earth.

An artistic rendering of the ICON satellite.Conceptual Image Lab / B. From NASA Goddard. Monroe

The initial launch date of ICON was set for December 2017, but it has been delayed several times due to issues related to its Pegasus XL rocket. The mission, lasting two years, will study the thermosphere and the ionosphere, measure winds, temperatures, ion drift, ultraviolet radiation, particle motion, and so on.

The ionosphere may present unpredictable conditions that may interfere with the normal orbit of the International Space Station as well as with other communication satellites and GPS.

The Earth's atmosphere and the ionosphereWikipedia

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