NASA tests proven technologies that dramatically reduce aircraft noise |


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By NASA // July 3, 2018

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Subsonic NASA Research Aircraft NASA Test G-III, or SCRAT, at NASA's Armstrong Flight Research Center in California The ARM flights were conducted on Subsonic's aircraft research aircraft from NASA. G-III research from NASA. or SCRAT at NASA's Armstrong Flight Research Center in California. NASA has combined three technologies, including landing gear noise reduction, landing gear cavity treatments and adaptive tailgate adaptive wing, to demonstrate superior airborne noise reduction. 70%. This can reduce aircraft noise for communities living near airports. (NASA Image)

BREVARD COUNTY, FLORIDA – A series of NASA flight tests has successfully demonstrated technologies that significantly reduce noise generated by aircraft and nearby communities.

The Acoustic Research Measurement (ARM) The flights, which ended in May at NASA's Armstrong Flight Research Center in California, tested the technology to treat the noise of the cell, or the noise produced by unaffected parts. propulsive from the plane, during the landing. "The number one public complaint received by the Federal Aviation Administration is aircraft noise," said Mehdi Khorrami, an aerospace scientist at NASA's Langley Research Center. in Virginia, and principal investigator for Acoustic Research Measurement. "The goal of NASA was to dramatically reduce aircraft noise to improve the quality of life of communities near airports. We are very confident that with the technologies tested, we can significantly reduce the total noise of aircraft, which could make it much quieter. "

NASA tested several experimental designs on various aircraft components of a Gulfstream III research aircraft at Armstrong, including the landing gear fairings and fairings designed and developed at Langley, as well as Adaptive Adaptive Rear Fender (ACTE), which had already been tested in flight to study aerodynamic efficiency. The aircraft flew at an altitude of 350 feet above sea level. a network of 185-sensor microphones deployed on the Rogers Dry Lake at Edwards Air Force Base, California

approach landing gear.The experimental landing gear tested by the NASA has porous fairings along their front, which means that they consist of many small holes that allow some of the air to flow into the fairing while deflecting part of the flow of the airflow. Air around the landing gear ge.

Porous concepts have been studied before, but the unique design developed by NASA has resulted from highly detailed computer simulations that have led NASA engineers to the ideal design for maximum noise reduction without increasing drag aerodynamic. the focus was on the cavities of the landing gear, also a known cause of the noise of the cell. These are the regions where the landing gear deploys from the main body of an aircraft, usually leaving a large cavity in which the airflow can introduce, creating noise . NASA applied two concepts to these sections, including a series of rafters placed near the front of the cavity with a sound-absorbing foam on the trailing wall, as well as a net that was expanding on the opening of the main train cavity. This has altered the flow of air and reduced the noise resulting from the interactions between the air, the walls of the cavity and its edges.

To reduce flap noise, NASA used a flexible experimental flap that had already been used in the ACT. project, which studied the potential of seamless flaps seamless to increase aerodynamic efficiency. Unlike conventional wing flaps that typically feature spaces between the flap and the main body of the wing, the ACTE flap, built by FlexSys Inc. of Ann Arbor, Michigan, is a design without sewing that eliminates these gaps. (NASA image)

To reduce wing noise, NASA used an experimental and flexible component that had already been used in the ACTE project, which explored the potential for flexible and seamless shutters to increase the efficiency of the aircraft. 39, aerodynamic efficiency. Unlike conventional wing flaps that typically feature spaces between the flap and the main body of the wing, the ACTE flap, built by FlexSys Inc. of Ann Arbor, Michigan, is a design without sewing that eliminates these gaps.

Significant reduction in aircraft, the noise must be realized for the growth of air transport to maintain its current trend. Reducing cell noise with NASA technology is an important achievement as it could lead to quieter aircraft, which will benefit communities near airports and promote the expansion of airport operations [19659009]. The best part is that it directly benefits the public, "said Kevin Weinert, ARM project manager. "While there are obvious potential economic gains for the industry, it benefits people who live near major airports and have to deal with the noise of aircraft landing on land." This could greatly reduce the impact of noise on these communities. "


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