NASA tests 'quiet' supersonic jet which will fly from London to New York in three hours


The X-59 QueSST seeks to revolutionize supersonic flight – by making it quieter. (NASA)

<p class = "canvas-atom-canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "NASA is testing a high-speed aircraft technology which could reignite the era of supersonic travel faster than the speed of sound. "data-reactid =" 28 "> NASA is testing a high-speed aircraft technology that could reignite the era of supersonic travel faster than the speed of sound.

The planned jet, X-59, could fly from London to New York in just three hours.

This week, NASA is testing the technology on the Gulf Coast Texas – promising that the 'sonic thump' will be 'no louder than a closing door.'

Two FA-18 jets climbed to 55,000 feet and dived to replicate the 'sonic thump'.

The X-59 QueSST seeks to revolutionize supersonic flight – by making it quieter.

Jerry Barker, 46, said, '' I just heard one, right at eleven o'clock. Very small, two tiny bumps. '

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The Quiet Supersonic Technology (QueSST) design could hit supersonic speeds over land – without a sonic boom.

It could also fly from London to New York in just three hours – paving the way for a new era of supersonic travel.

NASA expects the QueSST X-plane to pave the way for future distant future.

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