NASA Unveils 60-Year Video in 60 Seconds to Celebrate 60th Anniversary


NASA is 60 years old. On Monday, October 1, NASA celebrated six decades of operations with a 60-second video featuring highlights from previous missions. ( NASA | Youtube )

NASA is 60 years old and to celebrate its anniversary, the space agency has released a video recalling the highlights of its six decades of existence.

Happy birthday, NASA

On Monday, October 1, NASA released "60 Years in 60 Seconds", featuring photos of astronauts in space, astronauts on the International Space Station, rovers on the surface of Mars, spacecraft drifting on planets near the Earth and. Of course, there is also a footprint and the American flag on the moon.

NASA first opened on October 1, 1958, two months after the signing by US President Dwight Eisenhower of the Aeronautics and Space Act. Its very first director is T. Keith Glennan, who served the agency until 1961.

Although it was created to soften the technological supremacy of the United States against the Soviet Union, this law included cooperation with other countries to carry out projects and implement the conclusions of the USSR. l & # 39; agency.

"The United States wanted to make clear that our space program was a civil and scientific effort," said Bill Barry, NASA's chief historian.

Since its opening, the space agency has sent 12 men to the Moon, many probes and rovers reaching the limits of the solar system and beyond.

The future of NASA

Today, NASA is headed by Jim Bridenstine, the 13th administrator of the agency. In a video, he also talked about the legacy of the space agency and its next steps in the coming years.

"In six incredible decades, we have brought to the world an incredible number of bold missions, science, aviation and human exploration," he said. "NASA and its employees have never failed to raise the bar of human potential or chart a course in the future – and we always do it."

In 60 years, NASA has changed the world and the way humans perceive the universe. He will continue to make groundbreaking discoveries over the next few decades, with plans to establish the presence of the human race further in space.

Thanks to US President Donald Trump's directive, the space agency is taking its first steps in the new age of human exploration. NASA has already announced its intention to create a lunar outpost that will allow humans to return to the surface of the moon. NASA is also on the first steps of the ambitious plan to send its astronauts for the first time to explore Mars.

Watch NASA's 60th Anniversary Videos below.

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