NASA warns that three huge asteroids will fly dangerously close to Earth this weekend


NASA warned that three huge asteroids would make "a closer approach" to Earth this weekend.

The asteroids – the largest of which should measure up to 30 meters – will pass in front of our planet on November 10th.

Around 14:03 GMT, an asteroid named 2018 VS1 will pass the Earth.

This asteroid should measure between 13 and 28 meters in diameter, suggesting that it could be five times larger than a giraffe!

Illustration of an asteroid passing the Earth

Fortunately, NASA's trajectory estimates indicate that 2018 VS1 will be approximately 861,700 km from the Earth at its closest approach.

Only 16 minutes after 2018 VS1 has passed our planet, another asteroid nicknamed 2018 VR1 will pass.

This asteroid should measure up to 30 meters wide, but fortunately it will grow to a distance of 3.12 million miles from Earth.

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Finally, at 18:21 GMT, an asteroid nicknamed VX1 2018 and about 17 meters wide will pass through the Earth.

This asteroid will pass at a distance of 237,037 miles from our planet.

Although these distances may seem enormous, NASA classifies them as "close approaches".

The space agency said: "During their orbit around the Sun, objects close to the Earth can sometimes approach the Earth.

"Note that a" near "passage astronomically can be very distant in human terms: millions or even tens of millions of kilometers."

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