NASA welcomes visitors to Johnson Space Center 2018 Open House


HOUSTON, October 26, 2018 / PRNewswire / – NASA's Johnson Space Center to Open to the Public Saturday October 27th, celebrating for the first time in 60 years the 60th anniversary of NASAth anniversary and the 20 of the International Space Stationth anniversary.

To help ensure a pleasant visit to everyone as it passes through the main gate of the center Saturday 10am to 1:30 pm, the center asks visitors to respect a few simple rules:

  • No pets (except certified assistance dog)
  • No firearm, weapon or ammunition (includes transportation license)
  • No coolers, food or drinks (including alcohol)
  • Mandatory motorcycle helmets on NASA property

During the open day, visitors will have a free preview of some of the agency's historic achievements, as well as exciting work going on, as NASA prepares to return to the moon and visit March. As the incoming door closes at 1:30 p.m.Visitors will be allowed to stay on the site until 14h

See a complete list of what will be open and a map that includes parking at:

Visitors will have access to a variety of exhibits and materials ranging from lunar rocks collected during Apollo missions to life-size models of the International Space Station, Orion Probe and Boeing's CST-100. Starliner.

In addition to the installations and exhibitions, the Teague's auditorium at the center will present programs and speakers:

  • 10:30: Welcome from the director of the center
  • 11h: Science Direction of the Integration of Exploration
  • 11:30 am: Preservative of ice cream and organic products
  • Noon: NASA astronaut
  • 24:30: International Space Station Program
  • 13h: Commercial Crew Program
  • 1:30 p.m.: Orion Spaceship

"As we celebrate the 60th anniversary of NASA, the Johnson Space Center has played a key role in the exploration of the human space and is part of Houston community for nearly six decades ", said Mark Geyer, director of the Johnson Space Center. "While the last 60 years represent the best of our country and the pinnacle of American ingenuity, the talented, dedicated and diverse team of" Space City " Houston is excited about the next chapter of spaceflight as we work to get humans into the solar system. "

NASA open for business 1st of October 1958, following the signing of the founding law of the agency on July 29, 1958. After four decades of dozens of short missions on the Moon and the low Earth orbit, NASA and its international partners have launched the first element of the International Space Station on November 20, 1998, paving the way for the continuous human presence in space, which began in 2000.

Visitors are welcomed year-round by Johnson's official reception center, the Houston Space Center, which offers guided tours by tram and visits to several key facilities. However, this open house will allow visitors to access several inaccessible locations during visitor center visits.

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