NASA will publicly test its planes with silent supersonic technology in November


It is now common knowledge that NASA will test its silent and faster technology than the sound by the end of the year. The tests will take place outdoors, but there will be no disruption, because such technology ensures the silence of the needles during its operation.

These tests will be held in the coastal town of Galveston, Texas in November 2018. As for the aircraft, it is an F / A-18 Hornet. Audible noise sounds will occur around the coastal waters while softer and muffled sounds will occur around the land area.

Meanwhile, the X-59 will not show its business until three years into the future. As for scheduled flights, they will not start until 2023. The current tests are just a small sample of what needs to happen in the time remaining to come.

Short of traveling in space, flying remains the fastest method from here to here and come back in one piece. Silent and faster than the sound technology developed by NASA will be built on a contractual basis in agreement with the Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Company.

"We will never know exactly what everyone has heard, we will not have a sound monitor on the shoulder inside the house." But we would at least have an estimate of the range of noise levels they've actually heard, "said Alexandra Loubeau, head of NASA's team for research on the boom community's response to Langley

. help us clarify how we will ask the survey questions, how we measure noise, and then how we do the data analysis, "said Loubeau


. more than $ 247.5 million was made for the sake of this mission. Most tests consist of diving maneuvers. The coastal town of Galveston will make its residents notice the magnitude of the sounds. They will provide valuable information about this project to NASA.

This is indeed an essential part of the whole business. Making a plane as supersonic in its capabilities and silent is not an easy task. NASA will have to take drastic measures to make this kind of technology quieter and faster than sound.

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