NASA's confident air leak on the space station will not affect future Soyuz capsules


NASA's confident air leak on the space station will not affect future Soyuz capsules

The International Space Station seen in orbit around the Earth.

Credit: NASA

NASA provided an update on the ongoing investigation into a small air leak on board the orbiting laboratory that the astronauts repaired on August 30th.

"Russian media recently reported that Chief Executive Rogozin said the hole was not a manufacturing flaw," the statement said. "Eliminating a manufacturing defect indicates that it's an isolated problem that does not categorically affect future production."

Rogozin and NASA administrator Jim Bridenstine are scheduled to meet in person for the first time next week. This visit will coincide with the launch of cosmonaut Alexy Ovchinin and astronaut Nick Hague. Last month, the two leaders spoke by video of the Russian investigation into the leak.

Today's statement from NASA confirms that the investigation is ongoing and that NASA is also addressing the issue. "This conclusion does not necessarily mean that the hole was created intentionally or with malicious intent, and NASA and Roscosmos both investigate the incident to determine the cause," the statement said. "The International Space Station program is tentatively planning an outing in space in November to gather more information."

The leak of air was detected on August 29th after a slight pressure drop on board the station. This was then located in a 2 millimeter (0.08 inch) wide hole in a Soyuz capsule moored to the space station in June. there until October. The hole has been successfully fixed, and since it is in a module that does not return to Earth, it will not affect the ability of astronauts to return in December.

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