NASA's Hubble Telescope is again close to normal


NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine. The Hubble Space Telescope is almost back to normal after solving the problem of a faulty steering tool

NASA's famous Hubble Space Telescope is almost back to normal after a faulty steering tool forced engineers to put it into safe mode earlier this month, the company said. American Space Agency.

The problem came from one of the onboard equipment called gyroscope, which helps to orient and direct the telescope.

The gyroscope was one of three in active use and had evolved in recent months.

NASA said two other similar devices had already failed, out of a total of six of the telescope that bypasses the Earth since 1990.

The telescope was put in safe mode and suspended its scientific data collection activities on October 5, when Earth-based engineers were trying to solve the problem.

An attempt to reactivate the gyroscope by turning it in the opposite direction seems to have eliminated any blockage, reported NASA Monday night.

Next, the US Space Agency "plans to conduct a series of tests to evaluate the performance of the gyroscope in conditions similar to those encountered during routine scientific observations, including moving to targets, locking a target, and Achieving Precision Pointings "a statement from NASA.

"Once these engineering tests are completed, Hubble should soon resume normal scientific activities."

The Hubble Space Telescope has helped scientists discover new planets, draw a 3D map of dark matter in the universe, and better understand the mystery of black holes.

Joint project of NASA and the European Space Agency, it was originally intended to last 15 years, but has operated more than 28 years.

Even though it was in safe mode, NASA said its "instruments are still fully functional and should produce excellent science for years to come".

Hubble's successor, the James Webb Space Telescope, is expected to be launched in 2021.

Explore further:
Hubble is getting closer to normal scientific operations

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