NASA's latest Jupiter photo is pretty good to be your screen background


Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system with a fairly wide margin, and although it is not exactly the most inviting for human visitors, it is still the most eye-catching. NASA's Juno spacecraft has been dragging around the gas giant for a few years now, and it has been used to providing great images of the planet. His latest shot is a real gem, and he probably deserves a place on your desk.

The photo, which shows the southern end of Jupiter, reveals the beautiful groups that surround the planet with the swirling storms that have become so important. iconic.

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NASA describes the picture as follows:

This image from the hemisphere Jupiter's south was captured by NASA's Juno spacecraft on the approach of a gas giant planet. Citizen scientist Kevin M. Gill created this image using data from the JunoCam imager from the spacecraft.

The improved color image was taken at 11:31 pm. PDT May 23, 2018 (2:31 EDT May 24), as the spacecraft made its 13th flyby of Jupiter. At the time, Juno was about 71,300 kilometers from the cloudy peaks of the planet, above the 71 degrees south latitude.

One might think that 44,300 miles look like a wrong distance to take a picture, but Juno's powerful cameras and the huge size of Jupiter are quick to prove you wrong. The image (actual size available here) is incredibly detailed, allowing you to see a lot of detail in swirling clouds and vivid color bands.

Photos like this have become a normal thing for NASA since Juno orbiting the massive planet in July 2016, but despite the perfect view of the birds, there are still many things we do not know about of Jupiter. Scientists have only recently discovered the depth of the planet's weather systems, which extend 200 miles from cloud tops. What lies beneath is still a topic of debate, with researchers agreeing that a certain hard surface must exist, but with little data on what that might look like.

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