NASA's new limited edition podcast, "The Invisible Network", tells stories of spaceflight |


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brings listeners a side of NASA that they may have never heard of before

VIDEO: NASA has released a new limited edition podcast called The Invisible Network, NASA's first podcast to adopt narrative storytelling. The six episodes can be downloaded and viewed on the NASA website, SoundCloud and Apple Podcasts. (NASA video)

NASA has released a new limited edition podcast called The Invisible Network, NASA's first podcast to adopt narrative storytelling. The six episodes can be downloaded and viewed on the NASA website, SoundCloud and Apple Podcasts.

You may think that you know NASA: astronauts, launches, Martian robots, etc. This new podcast gives listeners an aspect of NASA that they may never have heard of before – technologies essential to spaceflight, but often overlooked.

The title of the podcast comes from the book of the author and former NASA engineer, Sunny Tsiao, "Read You Loud and Clear," published by NASA in 2008.

Tsiao notes that NASA's communication and monitoring programs are often described as "invisible". Infrastructures, he wrote, are rarely recognized except when they are insufficient.

If NASA's networks are invisible, it may be because they work so well.

The invisible network aims to engage listeners in neglected technologies and advances in a new and exciting way. The narrative format allows episodes to delve deeper into a subject while uncovering the human side of space science and exploration.

In the podcast, seemingly esoteric technologies become essential and personal elements of NASA's history – a rich legacy of continuous innovation among the stars.


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