NASA's noise reduction technology to make airports quieter


Aimed at reducing aircraft noise in communities near airports, NASA has successfully tested new noise reduction technologies on a series of acoustic search flights and has succeeded in reducing cell noise by over 70%. during landing.

The ARM flights, which ended in May at NASA's Armstrong Flight Research Center in California, tested the technology to deal with the noise of the airframe, or the noise produced by the non-propulsive parts of the aircraft, when from the landing.

NASA has combined several technologies, including landing gear noise reduction, Adaptive Compliant Trailing Edge adaptive landing gear flap and adaptive wing flap on various components of the airframe. of a Gulfstream III research aircraft to reduce air noise by more than 70%.

"This reduction in cell noise produced by NASA technology is absolutely important, and the best part is that it directly benefits the public," said Kevin Weinert, director of the ARM project, in a statement.

"We are very confident that with the technologies tested, we can significantly reduce the total noise of aircraft, which could greatly make many flights quieter," added Mehdi Khorrami, aerospace researcher at the Langley Research Center of the NASA in Virginia.

The Gulfstream III research aircraft flew at an elevation of 350 feet, over a network of 185-sensor microphones deployed on Rogers Dry Lake, at Edwards Air Force Base, California.

The technological element Noise reduction of the landing gear approached the noise of the cell caused by the flow of air passing in front of the approach landing gear.

The landing gear cavities, also known to explain the noise of the cell, constitute another area of ​​interest. These are the regions where the landing gear deploys from the main body of an aircraft, usually leaving a large cavity in which the airflow can introduce, creating noise .

NASA applied two concepts to these sections, including a series of rafters placed near the front of the cavity with a sound-absorbing foam on the trailing wall, as well as a net that was expanding on the opening of the main train cavity.

This has altered the flow of air and reduced the noise resulting from interactions between the air, the walls of the cavity and its edges, the report says.

To reduce the sound of the flaps, NASA used an experimental and flexible flap, which studied the potential of flexible and seamless flaps to increase aerodynamic efficiency.

"While there are obvious potential economic gains for the industry, this benefits people who live near major airports and have to cope with the noise of planes landing, which could significantly reduce the number of aircraft." 39, sound impact on these communities ". .


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