NASA's solar probe closes forever forever by a man-made object


Artist's drawing showing Parker's solar probe as the sun approaches. On Monday, NASA announced that Parker's solar probe had broken the record for the first man-made object to get closer to the sun. He broke the record set by the Helios 2 probe in 1976. ( NASA )

NASA's Solar Solar Probe solar probe has come closer to the sun from a man-made spacecraft on Monday, October 29th.

Closest approach to the sun

The space probe broke the previous record set by the US-German Helios 2 who had made its approach in April 1976. The Parker Solar probe flew to 26.55 million miles from the surface of the Star on Monday afternoon, Eastern daylight time. the Parker Solar Probe will set and break its own record several times before approaching the final approach at about 3.83 million kilometers from the sun's surface in 2024.

"It's been only 78 days since Parker Solar Probe was launched, and we are now closer to our star than any other spaceship in history," said Andy Driesman, Parker Probe Solar Probe project manager.

The satellite took off from the Earth on August 12 earlier this year. Its mission is to learn everything about the center of the solar system, the sun.

In September, Earth went to Venus for its first gravitational assistance. By its position in the space, it can see the house as a shining point among countless stars.

The Parker solar probe has also become the fastest spacecraft to travel compared to the sun, another record already established by Helios 2. The probe measures its own speed and position, the Deep Space network or DSN then retrieves these data before to send them to the ground control of NASA.

To face the heat

The Parker solar sensor will continue to fly closer to the sun's surface, under intense heat and radiation, to provide new information. It is equipped with a special composite carbon shield able to protect it from the brutal environment and several instruments to measure the structure and activity.

It is expected to reach its first perihelion November 5 at 22 hours. IS. The spacecraft will have 24 close encounters over the next seven years.

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