Natalie Portman: If a man judges a mad woman, ask him: what did you hurt him?


Natalie Portman has a few words of choice for men who have the habit of calling women "crazy" or "difficult".

In her thank you speech at the Variety 's Power of Women event on Friday, the Oscar – winning actress listed tips on what people can do to help women and strengthen their lives. equality in the world. One idea in particular sparked loud applause, applause and laughter from the audience.

"Stop the rhetoric that a woman is crazy or difficult," Portman said. "If a man tells you that a woman is crazy or difficult, ask her:" What harm did you do for her? "

Portman's commentary evokes a long history of specific terms, such as "crazy" or "hysterical", used to denigrate women and to undermine their feelings and actions.

Portman was also applauded when she pointed out that diversity was crucial.

"If your group has people who are just like you, change your group," she said. "It's a wonderful experience to hear from women who have had different experiences of marginalization."

Other winners were activist Emma Gonzalez, actresses Tiffany Haddish and Regina King, as well as screenwriter, producer and actress Lena Waithe.

Haddish spoke of the importance of being genuine to you. "Sorry, I'm so honest, but I'm not sorry," she said, adding, "Because it's when you become a bitch, when you're someone you're n & # 39; It's not. "

Gonzalez was moved to tears during her speech, which evoked the trauma she experienced as a student at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, where an armed man killed 17 people in February. She encouraged people with broad platforms to get the message out on the importance of acting and voting, stating, "More than ever, women must continue to rise up."

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