National elections in Mexico at a glance


MEXICO CITY – Mexicans will elect a new president and many other officials on Sunday. With high popular discontent due to high murder rates and rampant corruption, the four candidates are trying to convince voters that they represent a change from the status quo.


The next leader of Mexico will serve a six-year term ending in He is barred by the Constitution from seeking a new election at the end of his six-year term.

Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, of the National Regeneration Left Movement, followed by conservative Ricardo Anaya, of the National Action Party, or PAN, in a right-left coalition, and Jose Antonio Meade of the Party Institutional Revolutionary in Power, or PRI. The independent candidate, Jaime Rodríguez, voted a distant fourth, single digit

The candidates win with a plurality of votes and there is no second round.

Only two parties held the presidency in modern Mexican history: from 1929 to 2000 and again since 2012 under the current president Enrique Pena Nieto; and the PAN from 2000 to 2012.

The next president will take office on December 1, five months after the election.



Mexicans will also vote for an all-new Congress – 128 Senate seats and 500 House of Representatives – as well as state legislatures, eight governorates, the head of government Mexico City and nearly 1,600 mayors across the country. In all, there are approximately 17,670 names on ballots at the federal, state and local levels.



Polls open at 8:00 am and remain open until 6:00 pm. in each of Mexico's three summer time zones, the last to close in the state of Baja California Norte.

Nearly 90 million Mexicans are registered, which happens automatically when citizens receive their government identity card at 18 years of age.

In the last presidential election, in 2012, just over 50 million people voted for a turnout of about 63%.



Mexico has some 120 million third-most populous countries in the Western Hemisphere after the United States and Brazil, and covers more than 750,000 square miles (1 9 million square kilometers) of land, about one-fifth of the United States.

domestic product of about $ 1.2 trillion last year, making it the 15th largest economy in the world, according to figures from the International Monetary Fund. The main industrial sectors are oil, tourism, agriculture and manufacturing, and migrant remittances abroad weigh billions of dollars every year in the economy. .

The United States is by far Mexico's largest trading partner. in bilateral trade every year

About half of the country's population lives below the poverty line.

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