NBA wasted no time weighing on James Harden's new "controversial" decision


For the most part, NBA pre-season games – like those in any professional sport – are worthless. Heck, Steve Kerr has practically begged the referees to expel him the other night so that he is not forced to watch his Warriors play one of their latest tune-ups for the season regular. But Tuesday's game between the Houston Rockets and the Shanghai Sharks was different.

As expected, the contest was not close. But there was a record number * of 3-point markers, Jimmer Fredette did things Jimmer Fredette, and James Harden created a controversial move that made everyone talk.

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Let's start with the dam of 3 points. What a team of Mike D'Antoni likes to draw from the depths is not new. The Rockets lost in the seventh game of the Western Conference final in May against the Golden State Warriors, missing 27 (!) 3 in a row. That was not the case on Wednesday when Houston hit 28 long-distance shots in the 128-8 win. Even on 66 attempts, that's a pretty good 42.4. The 28 3 points made would be an NBA record for a match, but of course, that's not because it happened in pre-season. Against a team from China. It was still a shooting exhibition. Speaking of. . .

Do you remember Jimmer Fredette? BYU's All-American who was supposed to be the next Steph Curry? Well, he still does his thing, but he does it in China instead of the NBA. What do we mean by doing his thing? VOLUME filming. Fredette scored the highest point of the match with 41 points against the Rockets (37.6 and 36.9 points per game average in China), but as he made 40 shots to do so, D & # 39; Antoni did not has not offered a contract. square.

Then there was reigning NBA player James Harden, who scored 37 points on 18 effective shots, including knocking out nine of his team's 28-point markers. But this is a special case that made everyone talk. At the end of the third quarter, when his team had already gained 40 points, Harden dribbled the clock before getting behind his back and spinning one from the bottom as he drifted right. At first glance, it was spectacular – "Razzle, dazzle!" an advertiser let go – but was it legal? You are the judge:

Of course, before answering this question, you must first make the distinction that it is about the NBA we are talking about. Dr. James Naismith would be mortified if he saw what players are allowed to do these days. Harden has long mastered the hoop craft and being shot using one or two extra steps.

This decision provoked such a craze that the NBA got its hands on Wednesday morning and the verdict. . .

So there you have it. I guess we can all expect to see Harden show his new blow for a real start next week.

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