NBC's Today Show gives a platform to Evropa's identity


Peter Alexander (left) Patrick Casey (right)
Screenshot: NBC News

While America is anxiously awaiting a white supremacist president; as hate crimes become more common; while our government is removing the immigrant children in the ether, as if we had been teleported into a surrealist anti-immigrant nightmare of David Copperfield …

NBC Today's show think the time may be well chosen for 4.29 million viewers to see the beautifully shot and sympathetic profile of one of the most vilest and most hateful groups in America.

Identity Evropa is a fraternity of white supremacy that is aimed at young white men who love the ideology of KKK but do not have the time or the rudimentary skills in carpentry to build a cross and set it on fire. They are best known for their new series of endorsements in Charlottesville, Virginia, when they turned the tiki-torch into a symbol of hate when they shouted their infamous song: "You do not we will not replace it. "

The hate group's ultimate goal is to take over the GOP by injecting its racist, Islamophobic and white nationalistic beliefs into young conservatives and aligning with the Republican party. According to our previous reports:

The organization is one of the new breeds of "right-right" groups that openly recruit young people into the identity movement. One of the group's most blatant strategies is to go to university campuses and solicit white people.

According to the Anti-Defamation League, Identity Evropa distributed pamphlets and literature on 65 campuses in 2016. Its posters and pamphlets have already been spotted at over a dozen colleges during the first few weeks of the year. 2017-2018 school year. Use slogans such as "Our generation, our future, our last chance" and "Action. Direction. Identity ", the group streamlined a process called" #ProjectSiege "intended to indoctrinate young people.

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Apparently, racist organizations have the same philosophy as Alabama and R. Kelly: "Get …

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Wednesday Today Show, NBC correspondent Peter Alexander described Identity Evropa leader Patrick Casey in a segment similar to that of a political candidate or celebrity.

Alexander did not call Identity Evropa a hate group, except by citing the Southern Poverty Law Center. Instead, the journalist described them as "free coupes" and "conservatively dressed" and repeatedly referred to the collective as white supremacists of "pro-white" organization, allowing them to explain their racist stance by euphemisms such as "identity" and "nationalist". . "

Alexander claimed that he was telling the Evropa identity story to "pull the curtain," while castigating Casey with tyranny: "Why is not that racist too? Most would not say that it's just racist? "

To be clear, there is nothing wrong with NBC informing the public of the rise of white supremacist groups. Journalistic objectivity is important, but accountability requires news outlets to be aware of publicly funded airwaves and present information in ways that hold these factions accountable for their dangerous ideas and repugnant actions.

NBC has neither one nor the other.

In fact, when The Root scheduled a stopwatch in the record, it was 5:27 seconds, either neutral or positive, including the NBC agreement to actively hide Casey's location while allowing him to to analyze under the microscope his racist positions and to whiten his own. principles by positioning his group's creed as a "controversial" political philosophy.

It's the maximum whiteness.

White nationalism is not something NBC should objectively report as if it were free health care or a new trend in fashion. It is a treacherous dogma spread by fascists who openly admit that their ultimate goal is to infiltrate the political current.

Some stories do not have two faces. Imagine the reaction if NBC News broadcast a nice interview with a person from al-Qaeda explaining his song "Death to America". The Today's show dare he broadcast an interview at breakfast with a member of the Islamic State that rationalizes a decapitation?

But hey, it's just the blacks, so who cares?

NBC News will probably hide behind the whiteness shield of the bulletproof deflector and explain how it is an objective news organization. It will probably be to present his infomercial Identity Evropa as a legitimate report. Although NBC's own reports revealed that white supremacists committed the majority of extremist-related killings last year, NBC knows what they did when they engaged in hate.

Can any one explain it to me?

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