NCAA Cites Baylor for "Lack of Institutional Control" in Notification of Allegations


According to a report from Fort Worth's Star-Telegram, Baylor University received a formal notification of allegations after the NCAA had completed its investigation into the treatment of sexual assault charges by the United States. school.

According to Star-Telegram, the school is cited for its lack of institutional control, and former football head coach, Art Briles, for his failure to create a climate of compliance. The Star-Telegram said Baylor had been warned last month.

Baylor, who would have 90 days to respond, has been involved in a controversy over sexual assault, alleged sexual assault and other violence involving students – including members of the football program – dating back more than 10 years .

At the heart of the scandal – which led to the filing of 10 Title IX prosecutions – is the apparent inaction of the school regarding the reporting of cases, the provision of counseling and assistance to victims / accusers .

Shortly after Baylor opened an external investigation by law firm Pepper Hamilton in September 2015, several damning reports put the scandal in the public eye. Among them was a January 2016 report, Outside The Lines, in which two women said they were assaulted by Baylor footballer Tevin Elliott and then were indifferent when they tried to report incidents to responsible for the school. They were only two of the five women to report assaults by Elliott.

The scandal resulted in the dismissal or resignation of several key personnel, including Briles, athletic director Ian McCaw and Baylor president Ken Starr.

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