Nearly 145 pilot whales stranded on a distant island in New Zealand: NPR


Nearly 145 pilot whales stranded on Sunday at Mason Bay, on Stewart Island, New Zealand. A hiker reported mass grounding on Saturday.

Department of Conservation of New Zealand via AP

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Department of Conservation of New Zealand via AP

Nearly 145 pilot whales stranded on Sunday at Mason Bay, on Stewart Island, New Zealand. A hiker reported mass grounding on Saturday.

Department of Conservation of New Zealand via AP

Over the weekend, a hiker crossed Stewart Island, a remote area in the southernmost regions of New Zealand, when the ridge of a hill gave a glimpse of a disturbing view: dozens of dead pilot whales have been stranded on the beach.

Up to 145 marine mammals – which, contrary to their name, are technically categorized as dolphins – were found stranded along Mason Bay, two pods scattered on the sand at a little over 40,000. a mile away. The New Zealand Department of Conservation, which was informed Saturday night, said half of them were already dead by the time of their discovery.

The others were in a situation so difficult and so difficult to reach by the experts that the ministry decided that even the survivors had to be euthanized.

"Unfortunately, the chances of being able to re-circulate the remaining whales were extremely low.The remoteness, the lack of nearby staff and the deterioration of the whale's condition implied that the most humane thing to do was to euthanize, "said the department's operations manager. on the island, Ren Leppens, said in a statement released Monday.

"However," he added, "it's still a heartbreaking decision to make."

The impressive number of pilot whales left a surprising impression on an island of 378 inhabitants. In a video footage filmed from an airplane, the dead rest immobile in thick groups, many of which are half buried in the sand under the effect of tidal movements.


As alarming as this incident may be, such strandings are not uncommon in New Zealand. The Department of Conservation has reported at least four more incidents across the country last weekend, none of which appears to be linked.

Authorities have not yet lost hope in any of these incidents, a failure that left Sunday 10 pygmy orcs stranded near the northern tip of New Zealand. Two of them died, but the authorities asked volunteers to help save the others by putting them back on the sea Tuesday.

Last year, over several days, more than 650 pilot whales stranded on a thin strip of land jutting off the South Island, New Zealand.

These strandings – among the largest ever recorded in the country – have reached a bittersweet end, about a third of whales have escaped safely thanks to the help of volunteers.

It is still unclear why, precisely, such mass strandings occur.

"Factors may include illness, navigational error, geographical features, a rapidly falling tide, being pursued by a predator or extreme weather conditions," explained the Department of Conservation's New Zealand. "More than one factor can contribute to a grounding."

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