Nearly 150 people trapped in New Bern, N.C., as a small town beaten by Florence


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While Florence reached the shores of North Carolina on Friday, a town some 100 kilometers to the north was among the most affected areas, with about 150 people stranded and 200 people already saved, officials said.

"The people around me are under the water, they have been trapped in their attics," said New Bern resident Tonya Moore, who was waiting for her rescue with her mother, husband and five children. from 6 to 16 years old. yet flooded but impossible to flee, and officials told him that the area could wait 30 feet of water.

"Every road is flooded. There is nowhere to go out, "said Moore, adding that a National Guard bus was waiting to take people to shelters, but it's one kilometer away and the roads around it are all flooded. .

"We have to walk in the water at the waist to get to this bus that leaves in an hour," she said.

Bern's new mayor, Dana Outlaw, said on "Today" that officials "are making every effort to quickly send these people to a shelter".

Michael Nelson floats in a boat made from a metal tank and fishing floats after the Neuse River crossed its shores and flooded its street in New Bern.Chip Somodevilla / Getty Images

"Be patient, we're on the way, we're going to rescue you – all 150. So, support us, because we have to be careful that our first responders are not endangered by this kind of weather," he said. Outlaw. later said that many people should be saved by boat.

"Many of our employees have not slept for 36 hours now, they are very tired but they are very stubborn, they are going to get there, it's going to happen, we're going to get those people back into a safe haven," Outlaw said. .

"We have two FEMA out-of-state teams for the white water rescue, we're helping out, we're coming to get you in. You may have to go to the second floor or your attic, but we're coming TO GET YOU, "said a tweet from the city of New Bern.

New Bern, North Carolina
New Bern, North CarolinaGoogle Maps

The new Berne police imposed a 24-hour curfew from 7 am Friday, as emergency services rushed to pull people out of their flooded homes.

A tweet from the city of New Bern said residents could expect a potentially deadly mix of high winds, storm surges, rainfall and floods.

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