Nearly 40% of British Jews would seriously consider leaving their country if Corbyn becomes PM


A recent survey by the Jewish Chronicle revealed that 40% of British Jews "would seriously consider" leaving the country if Labor Party leader Jeremy Corbyn ever became the British prime minister.

The survey polled 710 Jews in Britain from August 12 to 12. 4; 38.55% of respondents said they would "seriously consider emigrating" if Corbyn became prime minister, while 51.71% said no. An additional 9.74% said they did not know.

The population most likely to leave Britain would be the 35-54 age group, with 50.96% of respondents in this age group reporting that they "seriously considered" To leave Britain if Corbyn became prime minister; those least likely to leave would be those aged 18 to 34, 28.51% of those surveyed in this category would seriously consider leaving.

The report of the Jewish Chronicle noted that the figure of 38.55% was up sharply from 11% in January 2015, shortly after an Islamic terrorist murdered four Jews in a kosher supermarket in Paris.

The President of the Jewish Leadership Council, Jonathan Goldstein, told the Chronicle that the survey results were "deeply troubling".

"Our community is open, confident and proud of our traditions, while also being proud of our integration into society and public life," said Goldstein. "The current difficulties with union leaders clearly remind us that our values ​​and our people often need to be defended."

Corbyn and his Labor Party have been accused of anti-Semitism in recent weeks, including photos of Corbyn unearthed from the graves of terrorists in Munich in 1972 and 2013, claiming that Zionists did not understand "the looting". English irony ". . "

The Labor Party recently adopted the full definition of anti-Semitism from the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (International Alliance for the Remembrance of the Holocaust), although they supported the freedom of freedom. An expression to criticize Israel, which some Jewish groups thought was useless. Corbyn also attempted to insert language stating that calling Israel's "policies or circumstances surrounding its foundation as racist" is not anti-Semitic, but that the Labor Party has rejected it.

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