Nearly half of Irish drinkers consume alcohol at a high risk level


New research shows that 48% of Irish drinkers consume alcohol at a level that puts their health at risk

The study of the nation's attitudes and behaviors towards alcohol revealed that 24% of respondents believe that they are more likely to suffer from health problems in the future if they continue to drink at home. actual level.

21% of drinkers think that they should reduce their consumption of alcohol, but 16% have already slightly changed their consumption.

The Drinkaware Index, conducted by Behavior & Attitudes, was conducted using the World Health Organization's AUDIT-C screening tool and was launched during the sixth EU Awareness Week. alcohol-related damage.

It shows that 44% of people who consume alcohol consume alcohol at least once a week, while 19% have consumed more than six standard drinks a week over the last year.

Only 2% of people could correctly identify recommendations for low-risk alcohol

According to the study, 23% of Irish adults do not consume alcohol.

Nearly three quarters of people (74%) think that excessive drinking is "part of Irish culture".

Sheena Horgan, CEO of Drinkaware, said: "The Drinkaware Index is a historical study that provides a critical and up-to-date picture of Ireland's consumption habits.

"Our data on national consumption levels corroborate other research such as the Healthy Ireland Survey, but the use of the World Health Organization's AUDIT-C screening tool in this research has allowed us to dig deeper into the fundamental problem of knowing which segments of the population are in danger and the harsh truth is that almost half of Irish adults who drink alcohol drink at a level that could be dangerous to their health and well-being and who know it more.

So we can now point to these cohorts with specific information, resources and strategies that they can use to consume less alcohol and, ultimately, reduce their risk of suffering related harm.

The Drinkaware Index is a nationally representative survey that uses seven standardized models to provide insight into the behavior, attitudes and motivations of Irish adults with regard to alcohol consumption.

The HSE recommendations for low-risk alcohol are 11 standard drinks (110 g of pure alcohol) spread over the week for women and 17 standard drinks (170 g of pure alcohol) for the men.

The drinkaware drink calculator can be viewed here.

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