Nebraska GOP official blames democratic rhetoric for broken windows, graffiti "abolish ICE" in office


The headquarters of the Republican Party of Nebraska in Lincoln was vandalized after at least one person threw bricks in front office windows and wrote "abolish ICE" on the sidewalk Tuesday morning.

Kenny Zoeller, executive director of the state party, told Washington Examiner that he received a phone call from local police who responded to the scene overnight. The police told him that the incident occurred between midnight and 3 am local time

The double glazed window on the right side of the building was completely broken while the left one still had a ongoing component. Zoeller has said that both will have to be replaced and expects them to cost a few thousand dollars.

Zoeller said that his organization did not stage the attack and blamed the violent rhetoric of the Democrats for the incident

. For fear of passion insights, passion incites violent acts, "Zoeller said, citing a phrase that he recently heard. "We had to face that in Nebraska – in the sense of repelling Democratic candidates – that they are saying blatant things that are not true, whether it's Republican politics on immigration, politics republican on health care. "

But if you say it often enough, your followers will start to believe it. And when someone believes something like that, he really believes that Republicans round people up and separate children – which is not true – that will spur action. ", he added.

: Kellyanne Conway: "Arrogance and Ignorance" Are Behind the Calls to Abolish ICE]

The Nebraska Democratic Party responded to the incident, condemning "the violence and the vandalism that took place in the Republican Party of Nebraska. " [19659002"Nouscomprenonsàquelpointilesteffrayantdetravaillerenpolitiqueoùlesgensontrecoursàlaviolenceauracismeetàd'autresdiscoursdiviseursNoslieuxdetravailetnosmaisonssontconçuspourêtredesendroitssécuritairesoùnouspoursuivonsnosobjectifsetnosrêvesNouscondamnonslaviolenceetlevandalismequionteulieuauPartirépublicainduNebraskaNousvoulonsrappelerauxcitoyensqu'ilestdenotredevoirenverslesautresetenversnotrepaysdedébattrededéfendrelesproblèmesetd'aiderlesgensLaprésidenteduNPDJaneKleebadéclarédansuncommuniqué

as the seat of the GOP was also sacked in December when the word" Resist "was spray painted on the building

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