Nebraska School Serves Kangaroo Meat in Cafeteria Chili


This mysterious meat came straight from the Outback.

A Nebraska school cook was fired this week after secretly serving kangaroo meat mixed with beef chili in Potter-Dix public schools, according to a report.

Chief Cook Kevin Frei has obtained Sysco's Kangaroo Meat, the largest food distributor for school canteens in the United States, reported Sandhills Express. Frei said he mixed with beef chili because of its nutritional value, according to a letter sent to parents by Superintendent Mike Williams.

Marsupial meat was served to high school and college students from western Nebraska.

In his letter to parents, Williams said the meat "had to meet" USDA standards and he did not think it was dangerous.

"If a family wants to eat exotic foods, they can do it in their free time, not at school," Williams wrote. "We will never serve food of this nature again. Period."

"I apologize for the concern and the harm that it has caused to students or families," he added.

At least one parent told KSID Radio that his child had fallen ill, but Williams declined to say whether it could be from exotic meat, which is legal in the United States.

"I've heard about that, but as I said, our statement is our statement," he told Sandhill Express. "I'm just going to stay at that."

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