Australian authorities claim that six brands of strawberries could contain needles or sewing pins after a surprising discovery sparked a police investigation.

Customers at several Australian grocery stores in Queensland first reported finding needles hidden in strawberries last week. A man was hospitalized after eating a strawberry containing a needle, the BBC reports. A 7-year-old girl in South Australia found a needle in her strawberry on Saturday.

Federal Health Minister Greg Hunt has ordered a food standards survey in Australia-New Zealand.

In an update on Monday, the Queensland authorities and New South Wales police said the six brands of contaminated strawberries could have consequences for Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria and the Australian territory. .

Six brands have been recalled: Donnybrook Berry, Love Berry, Delicious Strawberry, Oasis, Berry Obsession and Berry Licious.

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Two of New Zealand's leading food distributors, Foodstuffs and Countdown, take Australian strawberries out of the shelves in response. The Aldi and Coles supermarket chains did the same in most parts of Australia.

Neil Handasyde, president of the Strawberry Growers Association of Western Australia, said some producers had bought metal detectors and were exploring tamper-proof packaging to make sure needles could not enter future bays.

New South Wales police are urging people to cut fruit before eating.

Associated Press contributed to this report. Follow Ashley May on Twitter: @ AshleyMayTweets

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