Neil Armstrong Cause of death: How did the astronaut die?


neil armstrong cause of death


Learn more about the cause of Neil Armstrong's death. The photo on the left shows the burial at sea of ​​Armstrong.

With the new film First man in theaters, many moviegoers wonder what happened to astronaut Neil Armstrong after his famous moon march.

In real life, Neil Armstrong then led a rather private life, thus avoiding to run for political office (unlike fellow astronaut John Glenn, for example). He did not make many public appearances. "I am, and will always be, white socks, pocket protector, nerdy engineer," he said in 2000. "… science is about what is, and engineering, what can be . "

Those who wonder where Armstrong is today will be disappointed to learn that the astronaut died in 2012. What was the cause of his death? How did Neil Armstrong die?

Here's what you need to know:

Neil Armstrong died after complications from heart surgery

Neil Armstrong

GettyAstronaut Neil Armstrong, commander of Apollo 11.

Neil Armstrong died as a result of a cardiac operation, but he seemed to have begun to recover from it.

According to his obituary, the family of Neil Armstrong revealed that "Armstrong died of a complication resulting from a cardiovascular intervention." He died on August 25, 2012. He was 82 years old when he died.

Neil Armstrong was buried at sea in the Atlantic Ocean.

burial neil armstrong at sea

In this NASA document, Lieutenant Commander Paul Nagy of the US Navy, the USS Philippine Sea, and Carol Armstrong, wife of Neil Armstrong, relaunch the remnants of Neil Armstrong at the same time. an offshore funeral service organized aboard the USS Philippine Sea on September 14, 2012. in the Atlantic Ocean.

According to CNN, his family issued the following statement: "We are sorry to announce the news of Neil Armstrong's death following complications from cardiovascular procedures. While mourning the loss of a quality man, we also celebrate his remarkable life and hope that young people around the world will be able to set the example to all who work hard to make their dreams come true, to explore and repel their limits. and to serve selflessly a cause greater than themselves. "

Armstrong has settled in a quiet life in Lebanon, Ohio. An Armstrong obituary, published by The Associated Press, describes how he "enjoyed playing golf with friends, was active at the local YMCA, and often had lunch in the same restaurant in Lebanon."

burial neil armstrong

(Left front row) Christin Korp, Apollo 11 astronaut Buzz Aldrin, Annie Glenn, astronaut and former US Senator John Glenn (D-OH) and the musical artist Diana Krall attend the memorial service of astronaut Neil Armstrong at the National Cathedral on September 13, 2012 in Washington, DC.

According to the New York Times obituary, the man known for his iconic line, "The Eagle Landed," had recently undergone heart bypass and seemed to be recovering. His death surprised his relatives, the Times reported, without revealing the place of his death.

Many reports have pointed to the astronaut's penchant for privacy in recent years. National celebrity, he did not do this, rarely gave interviews and stayed away. In his biography, Janet, his first wife, once said in his biography, "He feels guilty for having received praise for the effort of tens of thousands of people."

Neil Armstrong

GettyAstronaut Neil Armstrong smiles inside the lunar module on July 20, 1969.

According to the Times, Armstrong then moved to Cincinnati as a professor of aviation engineering in Ohio and lived on a farm. The Times said that he was also "director of several companies".

He disagreed publicly when Barack Obama canceled plans to send astronauts back to the moon for private companies. Armstrong told the US House that NASA "must find ways to restore hope and confidence to a confused and inconsolable workforce," the Times said. However, such a discussion in controversial public issues was unusual for him.

Armstrong and his divorced wife Janet

janet armstrong

GettyNeil and Janet Armstrong

The film First man focuses as much on Neil Armstrong's family dynamics as on the march of his moon. The film shows in particular his relationship with his wife, Janet, and the two sons of the couple, Rick and Mark. It also shows the couple's pain following the untimely death of their toddler Karen from a brain tumor. All this really happened.

Rick and Mark Armstrong, who both work in the software field, collaborated on the film, ensuring that filmmakers understand their parents' personalities. They believe the film paid tribute to Armstrong.

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GettyRick Armstrong (left) and Mark Armstrong (right) are the sons of astronaut Neil Armstrong.

Janet Armstrong passed away in 2018.

Janet, named Jan, married Neil Armstrong in 1956. At first they lived in the San Gabriel Mountains, near Lancaster, California. "From her home in Juniper Hills, Jan could see her husband flying an experimental plane at Edwards Air Force Base in the distance," says his obituary. The cause of Janet Armstrong's death was lung cancer.

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Getty Neil Armstrong's second wife, Carol Armstrong (2nd row), and his son Rick Armstrong, attend a commemorative ceremony in honor of astronaut Neil Armstrong at the National Cathedral on September 13, 2012 in Washington, DC DC.

The film shows a subtle fraying of the couple's relationship while Neil, the emotion removed, interferes with risky tasks to deal with the trauma caused by Karen's loss. In real life, Janet and Neil Armstrong divorced after 38 years of marriage. Five years later, he remarried Carol Knight, a 15-year-old junior. He was still married to Carol at the time of his death.

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