Neil deGrass Tyson and Stephen Colbert Cruise NYC in a Mars Mobile Vehicle


The mark of a true expert is when one can fully explain a complex subject to someone who has no prior knowledge of the concept. September 22, resident of East Hampton Neil deGrasse Tyson, who recently wrote the book Accessory to war: The inexpressed alliance between astrophysics and the army, accomplished this on The late show with Stephen Colbert by explaining all things on Mars to the talk show host, while driving around Manhattan in a gigantic rover of Mars that looks like a real Batmobile.

NASA, who according to, named their zero gravity treadmill after Stephen Colbert In 2009, she was given the rover for a glorious episode to see "if she can withstand the inhospitable atmosphere of urine-based urine in New York," according to Colbert. Tyson was invited to the walk to discuss the idea of ​​colonizing Mars and embarking on a hilarious adventure. He explains that most astrophysics think that no one will ever want to colonize the red planet, much like Antarctica, even if it becomes a viable option.

Immediately after entering the vehicle, Colbert's inner child – or nerd – reveals himself when he can not resist dramatically saying, "I am the Batman. Let's go to Mars to fight crime. The dynamic duo rolled slowly down the street, receiving several blasts of horns as the cumbersome rover made awkward movements and half-turns. The two men stopped at a convenience store to collect supplies for a simulated visit to Mars. Looking at the choice of adult diapers, Tyson, the educator, taught Colbert that if you had to urinate on Mars, the urine would freeze and evaporate at the same time. At the store, they picked up a carton of eggs to test Colbert's hypothesis, that it would be really cool if they put it on the huge wheels of the rover.

Their scientific conclusion: he did it.

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