Neil deGrasse Tyson presents scientific arguments in favor of Trump Space Force and adds an idea: defense against asteroids


The famous astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson says that Trump's idea of ​​establishing a Space Force as the sixth division of the army is not the craziest. In fact, it makes a lot of sense scientifically and geopolitically, he told SalonTV's Amanda Marcotte about Salon Talks.

"It's not because she's out of Trump's mouth that it's the craziest idea. We should evaluate it ourselves, "said Tyson. But the scientist noted that we already have a space force that refers to the US Space Command branch of the Air Force. The proposed new Space Force branch would simply move these activities into a separate division.

If the president continues his idea, Tyson has recommendations that may not be considered by everyone, such as an asteroid defense program and space debris cleanup efforts.

The subject is close to the current Tyson project, a new book exploring the relationship between astrophysics, technology and the military, "Accessory to War: The Unprecedented Alliance Between Astrophysics and the Army", co-written by the researcher Avis Lang. The book combines his personal experience and research with the historical context to examine how the universe has been used both as a laboratory and as a battlefield through science, technology and power.

Watch the video above to learn more about Tyson where he thinks that the United States should focus its efforts on war and space. And check out the full interview to find out how Tyson is attacked with the idea that technology and scientific discoveries have been used to make war.

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