Nelson castigates Scott as Puerto Ricans face the loss of an emergency shelter in Florida


While Puerto Ricans evacuated to Florida in the aftermath of Hurricane Maria face an imminent loss of their temporary housing, US Senator Bill Nelson and US Representative Darren Soto severely criticized Governor Rick Scott and President Donald Trump.

Democrat Nelson faces a challenge from Republican Scott, who can not run again due to term limits. Nelson was joined by Soto, a Democrat from Orlando, at a press conference in Hollywood.

They said that Scott was all speech and no action on Puerto Rico, something that they said was clearly visible this weekend.

More than 600 families in Puerto Rico have found housing through FEMA's transitional housing assistance program.

Soto said the options are dark for families who have received help. Some may have to return to the island, even though the services are still not fully functional after the storm last year. He said he was helping others get help for United Way rental housing and unions helping people relocate.

Soto accused Trump and Scott

"Trump has clearly washed his hands" Here in Florida, Governor Scott chooses Inaction on leadership. "

Nelson said that FEMA could activate the federal law providing for additional housing assistance" as they did for Katrina's victims in New Orleans ". He says he criticized the state's practice under Scott of attacking an affordable housing fund to fill budget holes elsewhere.

Nelson says housing assistance is needed because conditions in Puerto Rico are still not good. [19659002] Nelson predicts electoral consequences while Puerto Ricans currently living in Florida learn Scott's track record

"Ultimately, we want to make sure our Puerto Rican friends understand Elections have consequences. They know how they were treated by President Trump. They remember the images of President Trump throwing paper towels into the crowd as his way of serving the people who were suffering at the time, "Nelson said." So we will remind them of that. "

described Trump and Scott as "gran amigos", meaning "great friends."

"No, you tasted Trump. Vote Nelson, "Nelson added, meaning" You do not like Trump. Vote Nelson. "

On Friday, Scott said in a statement that Nelson is the one who is all speech and no action when it comes to Florida.

" Bill Nelson has been a staple in the federal government for decades. But even though this federal program is coming to an end, it has focused more on the Senate's rhetoric and political points than on real solutions or the care of families. The families of Florida and Puerto Rico deserve better, "said Scott.

The governor has said that only the federal government can expand the temporary housing assistance program, and he urged FEMA to support the Puerto Rican displaced said that he pushed state-level efforts such as that the rescue centers at Florida airports

Senate race

Nelson said he was optimistic about his election.

$ 25 million "beat me with negative ads" and the polls show that the race has not moved. Both candidates stand shoulder-to-shoulder, sometimes slightly ahead, sometimes slightly ahead.

A NBC News / Marist poll released Wednesday showed Nelson with 49% and Scott with 45%. CBS News / YouGov released June 24, found Scott with the support of 42% of registered voters and Nelson with 40%.

On Saturday, Nelson said Scott's current work explains the numbers. "A governor is here all the time, from Monday to Friday, I have to be in Washington."

He added, "This race is still as close as a few months ago. a little early as it was several months ago and 25 million dollars of negative ads have not changed. "

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