Netflix announces the scary adventures of Sabrina Holiday Special


Netflix announced that Sabrina's icy adventures will get a holiday special this year. With Kiernan Shipka as the great teenage witch Sabrina Spellman, the series quickly became one of the most debated television topics after its release on October 26th. the show. And in fact, Sabrina's icy adventures Season 2 is already filming. Now, it seems that fans will not wait for the next Halloween to know what will happen next.

After his announcement, he was unsure of how Sabrina's icy adventures would be received by some fans. The project is led by Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa, who had already provided a successful television recipe for a much darker version of a traditionally lightweight cartoon universe by creating the CW's. Riverdale. Both shows are also confirmed in a shared universe, which means that some fantastic crossover actions might not be very far away. On the other hand, it was clearly explained to fans of the 90s sitcom Sabrina the teenage witch that they would receive a very different show, in which Salem the cat (often the essential comic relief) does not speak. Fans of the comic book source material of 2014 (also from Aguirre-Sacasa) rightly awaited not only for a horror show, but also for a gore show, satanic rituals and black magic. . A special holiday offer, however, lends itself to the possibility of a more rewarding adventure at Greendale – although it is certainly not without some sinister twists and turns.

Related: How scary are Sabrina's frightening adventures?

The holiday special entitled The icy adventures of Sabrina: the story of a winter is scheduled for December 14th. Aguirre-Sacasa took the Twitter to celebrate this news, Netflix has published a synopsis:

In the next episode, the church of the night, like all conventions, celebrates the winter solstice – the longest night of the year – when families gather around the Christmas fire to sing pagan songs and tell stories of ghosts. But holidays are also a moment of conviviality for guests and visitors – whether they are welcome or not – you never know what could happen by the fireplace …

In addition, a teaser of the number of Netflix vacation releases including the first images of The icy adventures of Sabrina: the story of a winter special holiday. Viewing.

Episode 7 of the first season has already introduced an integral holiday for Greendale's witches: the holiday party. The Thanksgiving Parallel commemorates a witch who sacrificed herself to be eaten by her coven so she could survive the winter by choosing an annual "queen" to be eaten by the night church . Although the series has largely focused on the satanic doctrine, a special holiday offer that includes various pagan traditions could give some clues to the spinoffs of the series on Sabrina for the second season.

Sabrina's icy adventures is rich in preconceived ideas to reject patriarchal control in religion and to make decisions without the constraint of the cultural institutions in which one was born. Season 1 revolved around Sabrina herself and her decision between the mortal world and her witch heritage. She leaves Harvey and his friends behind to accept his newly-accepted social acceptance at the Academy of Invisible Arts, seals his decision to choose power over innocence and to fight to hide. If the special holiday is built around a family story, fans will have the opportunity to learn about who Hilda, Zelda, Ambrose and Sabrina are, but also about the true power and the true link of the Spellman family. Rent Satan!

MORE: The scary adventures of the end of season 1 of Sabrina explained

Source: Roberto Aguirre Sacasa, Netflix

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