Netflix Developing Chronicles of Narnia Movies & TV Shows


These new projects will build on the seven novels C.S. Lewis, for which Netflix now holds the rights.

Unlock your closets and close the nearest fauna because it looks like we are on our way back to Narnia.

Netflix announced on Wednesday that it would "develop series and movies of classic tales of the Narnia universe," based on the series of books by CS Lewis "The Chronicles of Narnia", after the acquisition of rights on the seven slices.

In a statement, Ted Sarandos, Netflix content manager, said, "Families have fallen in love with characters like Aslan and the whole world of Narnia, and we are excited to be their home for years to come."

Andrew Adamson's adaptation of "The Lion, the Witch and the Cloakroom" was created in 2005 and resulted in two sequels before the franchise became dormant after the film Dawn's Dawn Journey The fourth film in this series, "The Silver Chair," was joined by director Joe Johnston.

While this new announcement did not state that this new venture would be distinct from the 2000s film series, the co-authors of these three films, Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely, are deeply ingrained in another franchise of movies with their work in Marvel Cinematic Universe.

This announcement follows the plan recently unveiled by Netflix for a live replay of "Avatar: The Last Master of the Air". It also comes a day after Amazon, the competing streaming service, announced the acquisition of the rights of the gigantic Robert Jordan. Time "series of books.

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