Netflix develops adaptations of Chronicles of Narnia


Netflix got the rights to Chronicles of Narnia and will produce "new series and film projects" based on children's fantasy books. The seven titles published between 1950 and 1956 have already inspired many adaptations and Hollywood films.

This announcement reflects the growing trend of streaming services to acquire rights on books already adapted for large and small screens. Amazon is currently working on her own adaptation of the Lord of the Rings that he hopes to turn into a five-season TV show and Netflix is ​​in the middle of a three-season adaptation A series of unfortunate events. Both franchises have already been adapted to Hollywood movies.

Netflix notes that it is the first time that the rights on the seven books are held by the same company, indicating that this could be the first time that the series is fully adapted. The previous cinematographic adaptation attempt failed after the third entry (2010). The Dawn Treader's Odyssey) with a supposed adaptation of The money chair failing to materialize.

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